Monday, September 24, 2018

On Duty

I was feeling pretty frustrated/frazzled this morning. I'm sick of the messy house, sick of the chaotic evenings, sick of feeling like we can't get a grip on our life... I went on a walk this morning and saw some neighbors out jogging as a couple, and I was jealous that they do that and sad that we don't. So I felt sorry for myself and had a little cry this morning as I cleaned the kitchen. Before Corey left for work, he and I talked and I feel better. I noticed that I had a cry last Monday too. I have one more week until the third trimester begins - so emotional hormones might be in full swing, I'll just prepare myself for a weekly Monday cry. We'll say both - life stress/dreams/expectations and hormones. So, yeah, just trying to figure out how to manage with the daily chaos and strive for our best life. Corey had a suggestion that we tried today, an idea that he thinks could solve most of our problems. Cause we get a little frustrated in the evenings cause the kids aren't doing their stuff and he will try to sneak in a few more consulting hours and I'll be feeling like I want to take a break and blog or something, but the kids will need help with homework or they'll make a mess in the kitchen and it's just left there or Corey or I hope the other one will take care of it... Some pics of a typical evening - Owen playing trains -
He's an easy to please little guy.

Abi with Daniel after his bath - silly boy
Next pic here is how the teenagers wish they could spend every evening - playing Battlefront.
That pic from over the weekend - Hyrum likes to tell us that so many kids play everyday for 4 hours and how lame it is that we only let him play on the weekend. Sorry buddy, we don't care.

SO! ...the new plan of attack for this week: Corey said that he'll come home and we will both be on duty from 6-9pm - parenting/cleaning/putting kids to work/helping them with school work (instead of them coming to us for help at 11pm or midnight!), and we'll do scriptures at 8:30 and then send kids to bed, or atleast the little ones, and we'll know we've taken care of all the olders ones, and that we can clock off for the evening and then we can go blog or work or whatever and go to bed at a decent time. I think it sounds like a good plan. 3 hours for Corey to help seems a bit long to me, but we'll see. And usually I'm starting dinner and stuff between 3 and 4, so this could mean that I will actually be on duty for 5 or 6 hours, but it is a good idea, and I'm game for him being home and present and helping out, so we'll give it a go and see what happens!

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