Sunday, September 23, 2018

Weekend Snapshots

A few pictures from this weekend: Daniel on Saturday - feeling the power of second amendment rights -
I'm going to post too many pictures of this, cause I just think they're all cute and funny.
This was a little remote control thing to a Lightening McQueen car, which doubles as a pistol in this toddler's imagination. I think he feels pretty cool -
Stick 'em up, mom!
You look pretty tough, little D.
Yeah, he thinks so too.
Funny kid. That was Saturday. What else did we do on Saturday? Soccer game and cleaning, we didn't make it to Lagoon, maybe next Saturday. Owen colored all over the wall in the boys room with black permanent marker. Yay. This is how it still looks after 30 min of scrubbing with magic eraser.
I think I'll be able to get it off after an hour or two more of scrubbing. Will probably take off quite a bit of the paint in the process, oh well. (Darn kids.)

Today we had a first. We left for church without one of our children. I left first with the boys, who had to get their early to get the sacrament ready, and most of the toddlers. I passed Natalie on my way out, who was dressed but didn't have her shoes on. "You go with Dad, okay?" "Yeah, I'm going with dad." I didn't tell Corey though. And then Natalie went into her room and was quietly coloring as the rest of them left. We were 30 minutes into the meeting when Corey, after counting kids several times only to reach 9 again, realized Natalie was not in attendance. He quickly drove home and found a little pink nosed and pink eyed sweet little girl, who had been praying in vain for her family to come back. Corey hugged her. "I prayed for you to come back, but it didn't work!" "It worked! I came back! I'm just a little slow". They came back to church and Natalie came by me so I could give her a reassuring hug. Sorry sweetie. Do you forgive us?
Her face was still pink. She does not seem traumatized by the event and didn't even rat us out to her teachers telling them that her parents forgot her. She has told us she forgives us, and we have promised to not forget her again. (Darn in-over-their-heads parents!)
So that was a first. I've left a kid home for 5 min once when we went to the school park down the street, but never for 30+ min, and I also feel terrible that I didn't even notice she wasn't there. I'll start counting kids too, or maybe we'll start sitting on two benches instead of the big long bench. I just assume that anyone that is not by me is way on the other side sitting by Corey and I can't see them. I'll start to check and count from now on. We're glad she was okay.

The kids had a fun Sunday with their dad. Most of the kids were harassing playing with him outside except for Ethan who was sleeping or playing piano, and Wes who was building little lego pirate ships all afternoon.
He showed me his finished work -
One is just a generic warship, the black one is the Black Pearl - you can tell because of the orange studs, which mean it can light itself on fire and not sink, like the Black Pearl in the movie.
I haven't seen that movie or if I have I don't remember, but those are cute little ships Wes! The rest of the kids kept Corey busy all day - they played on the trampoline and then inside for Uno and outside for a family night game of Ghost in the Graveyard. I stayed inside and caught up on the blog here a little bit. I'm 23 weeks along in the pregnancy today, one more week and 2nd trimester is done. Almost there I guess, but still feels like forever away. I'm trying to keep my nose down and just keep pushing ahead.

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