Thursday, September 6, 2018

Sophia is 7!

Our 2nd September birthday was today, Happy Birthday to la Sophia!
Sophi was a good sport and didn't mind that I used a Christmas bag and two baby shower bags. ...I couldn't find most of our usual birthday bags. I need to put things away right away before the kids use them for other creative things or before people "clean up" around here by just throwing all the scattered junk and clutter into a box for me to sort later.
Natalie put up the decorations in the window. You can't really see it, but the "p" in "SOPHIA" is backwards, I thought it was cute. Once again, I went to the store in the morning to buy some goodies. (I'm breaking this tradition for Daniel in 2 weeks tho cause, ugh, I'm so sick of junk, why do I do this to myself?) The kids were getting ready for school (hence the brush in Sophi's hand in the pic above) but they wanted to see the gifts even if they couldn't play with them yet.
Junk food - chips, lucky charm unicorn cereal (Sophi loves unicorns) "fruit" snacks, some gold oreos... and a few gifts - Poison Ivy Super hero lady, some sequin unicorns, and...
It didn't seem like much gift wise, until I told her of the big gift in a secret location (on the other bench by the table in front of her) It was a big Lego Elves set that Lily wanted. Earlier in the week Sophi told me she wanted the lego set cause her and Lily made a deal. What is the deal? "She told me to get the bat cave for my birthday, and give it to her." Sophi meekly agreed to the deal. So I had to tell her, "Um, no, Sophi, that's not a good deal."
Lily, you may not claim ownership of her birthday present. Lily's got a lot of Lego Elves, time to let Sophi have some ownership in the lego Elves game.
They didn't unbox it, but it is safely tucked underneath Sophi's bed, awaiting her return from school, ...Although Thursdays are a long school day for Sophi cause she has violin right after school in Holladay (actually Corey checks her out an hour early to go to it). And then she has to wait for Mel to pick her up after Mel's flute lesson. So, Sophi will have some time to spend at her grandparents house while she waits for Mel. She got some special birthday girl treatment over there, I'm sure. Natalie was cute today while the kids were at school. She was all dressed up as a little witch, laying on the couch drawing as I cleaned...
Let's try again to capture a clear pictures of her drawing.
Natalie is a little artist too. We've got a whole household full of them.
Ok, little cute witch artist, time to go put away your broom and get dressed for kindergarten!
Since I didn't get a picture of her with the school bus last week, here you go.
Bye Natalie, have a good day at school! She's a little ray of sunshine. So, Sophi's sisters got home and looked at her boxed up presents and tried their best to wait patiently "This is taking forever! When is Sophi gonna be home?!?!" It's time! Grandma Hibbert made a cake - Happy Birthday to you!
Make a wish!
Opening the last of her birthday presents.

And then time to go start building. Natalie really wanted to help but didn't get to much. Birthdays are hard that way (as they get older, they are not as good as sharing as little our little Natalie is. I hope Natalie doesn't loose it.
Happy Birthday Sophi!

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