Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Indoor Track

We've got a pretty sweet toddler sized indoor race track in our house. The boys were doing laps on it today, as they often do. On the main floor, the side room is wood flooring and the kitchen is tile, so that makes for a good hard surface for kids to race on in their plasma cars. They have a loop the take, around the couches in the side room,
...across into the kitchen
and around the island and past the pantry
and back into the side room to lap around the couch again...
It makes a good loud rumbling sound that echos through the house, but it keeps them busy and most of the time they are not fighting when they ride their cars. I love these little cars.
And they are just a perfect size for little toddler legs to scoot scoot and get great speed going, it's so fun to watch. I should have gotten a video, it's so funny to see them move so fast. And they can take corners pretty sharp too with these cars, so it's good for motor control and development! The red one Daniel is on I borrow from a neighbor for a little bit (took it from their front porch, cause I know they're not home, gone at the hospital having a baby, lucky lady) So that one is the neighbors and Owen is driving the new one that I got for Daniel for his birthday that I put together for him today cause they both wanted a red car. We have a yellow one that I got at Kid to Kid and an old blue one the neighbors that moved left us. The blue one doesn't have a steering wheel but they still use it. Good little cars, and these will be part of our life for several years I do believe. It's all fun and good.

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