Saturday, October 27, 2018

A Saturday

"Saturday is a special day, it's the day we get ready for Sunday." We wash our hair and clip our nails... After the toddlers took a bath, I made them sit down to trim the nails on their fingers and toes, and then Daniel wanted a turn...
I was a little nervous, but he didn't hurt me. He's so cute, so observant and trying to learn everything. My feet and ankles are not swollen at all right now, yay, though my toes do look extra stubby in the pic below.
Today Corey and Wes spent the morning and much of the afternoon at a "Leadership Conference" for the SBOs at the jr. high. Corey spoke for part of it. It took most of the day, so Corey was anxious to catch up on hours after he got home. But instead he started to teach Lily how to pay the saxophone and do things like that with the kids. Around 6 he started trying to get work done, but was being followed by all his little friends. I think they've been trained to know that if they follow him around and bug him, eventually he'll take them out somewhere fun. Sure enough... "Who wants to go to a movie!?" He said he'd take them to the dollar theater. They hadn't done jack around the house though, so they cleaned for 5 minutes and then hurried to the car. I intervened. He was going nuts at home cause he couldn't work, but going to a theater isn't going to let him get any work done, so I said I'd take them so he could stay home and work. But they hadn't done anything to earn going to a theater. But I thought it would be good for them to go to my parent's house. Cause we never go there. I called my mom and gave a heads up, and we went over there and watched a movie. We got a redbox movie, by my parent's dvd player didn't work, so we watched an old vcr movie - Aladdin. They'd never seen it, even though they all know who Jasmine is. So it's nice that they now know the Jasmine story, (nevermind that the story is about a boy - we all know that it's really all about the princesses!)

It was fun to go over there, I told them maybe we'll come over again, so my kids know a little bit about the home where I grew up. Back at home, I said we could turn on the redbox we'd ordered. Hotel Transylvania 3. I knew it would be bad and couldn't watch it and didn't - I went to work a bit more on the scrapbook binders. I made Ethiopian cabbage for dinner again tonight - Daniel took a bowl of it and parked himself on the couch to eat. He looked super cute even if he is breaking the rules by eating out of the kitchen (not that hardly anyone else obeys that rule).
Hard to get mad at a kid that eats his vegetables. I picked him up and moved his cute self to the table. They turned on the movie. They all watched it, and kinda hated themselves for doing so. Then it was late and time for bed. I'm staying up to for Ethan to come home from Monster Mash. He's supposed to be home by 12:30, I might nap on the couch. And that was our Saturday.

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