Monday, October 29, 2018

Carving Pumpkins

Today the elementary girls didn't have school, I'm not sure why. But it was nice to have them home. They wanted to carve the pumpkins, so I told them they could after they did their jobs. They worked quickly, then carved them while I took a little nap (sounds like a win-win, don't you think?)
I think they should be okay and not dry out too much as we wait the two days until trick or treating time. We're looking forward to an evening with neighbors on Wednesday. A few Halloween memories of years past - 2014201520162017, and one of our most memorable - in Costa Rica in 2010

Nap for Mom, and they did the pumpkins by themselves and they turned out great. I took a nap as I tried to get Daniel to take a nap, as he woke up very early this morning. 6:30 is super early for him. I was out on my walk and Wes got him out of his crib cause he was crying. He liked spending a little bit of the morning with Wes and was saw when Wes got out of the car for school. "Come?" he begged... Sorry buddy, you can't come with me! Wes gave him a hug...
 And Daniel worked his frown to try and get Wesley to change his mind.
Look at that lower lip... so very sad! Pretty good Daniel, you're good at breaking our hearts. 
Speaking of my little Daniel, yesterday I finished the scrapbook binders for Owen and Daniel - go me! 
They all look so cute and colorful up on the shelf now, it makes me happy.
There's my group of kids. Looks like I could call them "J'Meh Wal Snod" for short. Not that that is very short.
I even started on the new baby's binder, although I didn't get far, being as we don't know his name or initial. But it's good that I have a place to put his ultrasound pictures and things from the hospital when that day comes in January. "Just 11" more weeks, yay. Hmm, what should the next initial be? I'm thinking it will a B, G, K, or R and if we were using all their initials together as the deciding factor, I think R would sound the best - "J'Meh Wal Snod'r" We'll see.

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