Monday, October 8, 2018

Canyon Drive - Take 2

Last night I looked through the pictures I took during my canyon drive yesterday between sessions of General Conference. 110 pics but I didn't think the pictures from my phone did the trees and mountains justice. And so, knowing that the my time is limited before the leaves all fall, I headed up again today with my nice camera. After Natalie went to school, I put Owen and Daniel in the car and let them take their nap while I drove up the canyon again and ooh's and aah'd to myself.
I took pictures of the red leaves at Tanner's Flat again...
and the snow in the canyons again,
...but with the telephoto lense
Let's look closer at that loveliness
(is that what it's called? zoom lense?) ...then up the canyon for the golden aspens up in the Albion Basin.
There are some lovely patches of the aspens on the Red Pine trail - 
Ok, I'm not going to filter through all these, I'll just post most of them without much commentary...

 What a pretty mountain!
That pic almost does it justice. Glad I was able to get another picture with the leaves still on the trees.

I had a Nathan Pacheco song on repeat - Gethsemane by Paul Cardall. It is so pretty, and went along with the loveliness of the mountains perfectly. It was heavenly - listening to beautiful music and feeling like I was watching the creation and pondering God's love. It felt like I was in the temple. I parked on the side of the road up in Alta and read the Book of Mormon while the kids slept - I'm jumping into President Nelson's Book of Mormon invitation to the sisters with both feet and getting ahead early. As I sat and read, a coyote came walking past the van and down the road.
I'm glad I'm not a coyote. He's probably hungry. I also started my 10 day social media fast today - just fasting from Facebook, this blog isn't a social thing, just a personal family history thing that I'm willing to make public.


I took 42 pictures today, so hopefully I'm good with my fall fix for this year. I love the mountains

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