Sunday, October 7, 2018

Canyon Drive

We watched the first General Conference session today, and then after that Corey rounded up a few kids to go to the Conference Center for the afternoon session - his friend Rafael had given him 4 tickets. When Owen and Daniel saw them heading to the garage, they wanted to go too. So that mean I got to put them in the van and go for a drive so we could leave with Corey. They left around 12:30, so I took Natalie, Owen, and Daniel on a drive up the canyon. It was so pretty. And I've been meaning to get up here. I pulled over to the side of the road and took pictures. Owen and Daniel fell asleep and took their afternoon nap. Natalie enjoyed the fall colors with me. 
With the added bonus that it snowed in the mountains over the weekend - You can see it in the background canyon here...
 If I try to capture the snow the trees are too dark, but if I try to get the leaves you can't see the snow. 
Either way, the colors have been a bit muted this year, but still lovely.
Granted that my phone camera prob isn't the best for capturing the colors that are present... doh, I shall have to remember to bring my nice camera during any future fall drives. So these were all pictures at Tanner's Flat. So close to home, shame I have never camped here. Goal for next year?

Continuing the drive up the canyon -

Natalie wanted to get out by the colors, but it was really cold! A few flurries were coming at us.
Up the canyon more...

Up at the Albion Basin, I think the aspens in front of this mountain were my favorite
The leaves looked so gold, especially next to the snowy slopes.

Time to turn around and head back so we can be home when the last session of General Conference starts -

I told Natalie to get out of the car for a quick second so I could take her picture - 
I told her she's the first kid in our family to touch the snow this winter!
We headed back down and got to see all the colors again from a different point of view

110 photos later, maybe I've gotten my fill? Back at home, listening to Conference, taking notes, while Owen plays with the wood train
I was lucky and found this at Kid to Kid two months ago. Then I got more train cars for Daniel for his birthday. He and Owen share, since Owen likes it more than Daniel.
After Conference ended we all went over to Corey's parent's house for dinner. The cousins had brought a cool Kylo Ren mask. Daniel and Owen both wanted it.
Pair it with a watergun = super tough toddler
Yeah, he felt pretty invincible.
We thought it was really cute, but we did let Owen have a turn with the mask.
And then when they both wanted one, we made another mask out of a paper plate. They didn't quite buy it. Looks like I might need to invest in some kid masks for Halloween.

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