Friday, October 19, 2018

Clean Office

Corey and I came home last night with Owen and Daniel. They just sleep better here at home, and then we're all happier. Daniel woke up this morning being super adorable, as usual. Hugging his "baby" bear.
Daniel! Are you so sweet and cute?!? Yes, and you know you are...
Do you remember your toe? You got an owie! He looked at his toe with great concern. Yes, it looks like something serious happened to that toe. Are you okay?
Yeah, he's ok. He jumped right up and started being cute. I like Daniel. Corey says that he usually doesn't get to know the youngest kid until a baby comes along. So another few months and Daniel and Corey will get to spend quality time together. I'm excited for Corey to get to know D, he's a good little kid.
So, we stayed home. I had been in a real cleaning groove yesterday as I helped the kids clean. I was a little bummed to stop and go to Park City, cause we had been making such great progress. But even without the kids here today, I was able to get back in the zone. Corey used to have thousands of movies in his office. I moved them out to the garage in lettuce boxes. Then the kids found them out there and there were piles of dvds tossed to the side as they look for one to watch, and I'm just so sick of movies everywhere!!! So NOW they are in green office boxes and have been put up really high in the garage, so high that I could hardly put them up.
I'm trusting the kids will not be able to get them down now, ha. We moved the 9 black ikea dvd shelves into the basement for the time being, just to get them out of Corey's office. And - I don't have a before, but check out Corey's office now!
I worked on it quite a bit over the past few weeks moving out movies, then Wes helped me a lot yesterday, Abi, Lily, and Sophi all being tied for the next best helpers, and then the work I did today. Corey hadn't seen the phase 1 work after yesterday's effort, which would have impressed him, so to see the finished project today - he was pretty amazed. Today is was mostly going through papers. A lot of them were just shoved in the filing cabinet, which was already crammed full (and not organized from what I could decipher). My suggestion to him, which I haven't given him yet, is that he sort through the papers in the cabinet for 10 min a day, or an hour on the weekend. I think most of it can be tossed or recycled. We'll see. Corey headed back up to PC tonight with Owen, they will all be back in the morning, I'm here with Mel and Daniel. I'm hoping to be in the zone one more day tomorrow and get more done in the basement. Hooray for 4 day weekends!

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