Thursday, October 18, 2018

Park City for UEA

I took the kids up to the Summit Watch in Park City tonight. Corey's parent's and siblings are all up here for the fall break and invited us to join in the fun. The kids worked hard cleaning all day and one by one earned the right to go and spend the night. I did the things I usually do in Park City: watch kids as they wander the halls and watch kids swim. These EXIT signs were really fun to Owen and Daniel to practice their ABCs on - and there were a lot of them... they'd run from one to another - Owen would touch each letter, then Daniel would say "My turn!" and he'd do it too. They were cute to watch.
Daniel hurt his toe as it got caught under the metal door to the room, he got a few good scratches and was bleeding pretty bad. We turned on the tv as we waited for him to calm down. We watched the Titanic sink and I think that gave him some proper perspective for problems in life. So he calmed down and then I took these kids swimming.
Lily didn't come tonight, but Wes eventually joined us. They were cute swimming.
I didn't bring a swimsuit, don't have a pregnant one at the time being, so I just watched. Abi was a great helper.
Daniel was cute, Owen was cute, they all swam away the evening.
Sophi and Natalie had a fun time falling back and jumping forward into the pool 
Daniel ready to try his hand at jumping in?
Corey brought up Ethan and Hyrum later this evening, they got her around 9:30. Corey took Owen and Daniel back to the room, then Abi and Wes followed. I stayed and watched Sophi and Natalie until 10:15. When we got back to the room, I saw Daniel had fallen asleep on Wes. But D still had his swim diaper on, so he woke up as I changed him. I might have stayed if I thought he would fall back asleep and sleep through the night, but I had visions of being awake at 1 and 2 am, so Corey and I headed home. D's asleep in his crib, as he should be, and I know I'll have an uninterrupted night by him. Owen usually wakes me up once or twice looking for his binky or something, but it's still good to have them sleep here at home. The rest of the kids stayed up in PC for a sleepover with their grandparents and cousins. Either Corey or I will head back up there tomorrow. Goodnight.

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