Monday, October 15, 2018

Duets Piano Recital

The girls had a piano recital yesterday. Mel started taking piano a few years ago when she joined GMS - it is a requirement in order to participate (GMS = The "Gifted Music School" ...still not a huge fan of that name, kinda braggy?) Anyway, so Mel was taking, then Abi started taking a year ago, and since Sophi started taking violin, I thought we shouldn't just skip over Lily (eventhough she said she doesn't need or want to do piano cause she's going to start the saxophone soon)... so I signed her up. They are just taking from our nice neighbor Elasha. The recital was at their house. Lily said she was a little embarrassed that kids her same age or younger are able to play so much better than her, but I told her not to worry or compare, just keep at it and know that this is a skill that will bless your life. Lily was the first in the program.
Quick video of her playing and her very proud bow to the parents.

Mel was the next of our kids in the program - here is her number

And Abi was so excited about her duet.
She said it was so pretty and made her so happy that she wanted to sing and dance! "It feels like a Christmas song!"

All the pieces (except Lily's) were duets from the book "Duet Miniatures in 12 Keys". I didn't get this book yet, but might so that I can learn to accompany them. I haven't been playing much since Brazil, but I can still do some of those simplified hymns. I will learn more in another season of my life.

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