Saturday, October 13, 2018

Dressing Up Daniel

Tonight Lily was playing with Daniel as her life sized doll. She got him dressed up as a girl, wearing one of Natalie's red dresses, with a headband and red bow on his head. Daniel loved the attention he got as his big sisters ooh'd and ah'd did 100 repetitions of "oh cute!" Hyrum was offended by it, and grabbed the headband off of Daniel's head as he walked by, which made Daniel freak out. We had to threaten Hyrum with a fine to get him to leave them alone to play dress up. Then they put him in a blue dress with a blue polishing cloth as his shawl. I didn't get a picture of those two outfits, but I think Corey did, will try to upload later. After dressing up him up as a girl, they decided to appease Hyrum and dressed him up next as a little business man - It started with just a suit, I suggested they get the zoot suit had from one of the boys. They did, then they also got a briefcase for him. This is the end product.
Daniel still liked the attention he was getting from all of us, although he looked a bit confused at times about what was going on. 
But we laughed and smiled and kept taking pictures.
"Well, I don't know what they're all going on about, but I guess I'll keep standing here holding this case..."

He's cute, they all had fun playing. And a nice bonus that he's already dressed for church tomorrow, ha, cause Lily just put him to bed and she left him in this outfit (well, minus the hat.) I went in and slipped off his shoes to make him more comfortable, but in his stink bug sleeping position I didn't dare take off the jacket. I hope he's comfortable. Goodnight little doll.

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