Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Long Outing for 3 Pumpkins

Earlier today I knew we would not be having a successful dinner like we did last night. Mel was going to be gone at Lyceum. Ethan and Hyrum were going to the football game. Wesley usually drives down with Mel for him to go to Little Big Band, but today he had to stay after school for a ballroom rehearsal which he said went until 5. I asked if he could leave early, cause then I could pick him up at 4:20 or so and get to him his LBB practice, which started at 5. He'd be a little late but better than missing all of it. Corey was working, so I figured I'd take all the kids with me. Wes through Daniel all fit in the van, it works. So, I was getting the toddler boys in the car as the girls got home from school, and they got straight in the car and we left to go pick up Wesley. In the morning, Wes forgot the tablet that has his music, so I had Mel take it. Now since he wasn't going with Mel, I told her to give it to Hyrum and I'd go get it from Hyrum at Corey's parent's house. That added a few minutes and we weren't on our way until 4:30. Wes also realized his trumpet was still in Mel's car. Doh, I guess we'll have to drive to where Mel has her practice and get it out of the car... that will probably add another 15 minutes, oh well. Another thing we forgot, however, was 5:00 traffic. The freeway was busy, I got stuck in an exit only lane and ended up stuck in Midvale trying to find an on ramp. I ended up driving to Sandy and getting on at the 90th south on ramp at 5. Ok, you're gonna be late. We got the trumpet at 5:40, finally got Wes to LBB at 5:45. "It's almost over... do I have to go?" YES. All this effort to get you here, YOU'RE GOING. Wes got out and now, for the outing that I brought you all along for - let's go see if this Get Out Pass Hee Haw Farms thing is any good. My first choice was to go to the Bounce House again, but unfortunately that is not on the list of Get Out offers anymore. Bummer. So Hee Haw farms it was. First glitch there - I couldn't find it. The American Fork/Pleasant Grove/Lindon area is a bit weird, cause Main Street in AF will turn into 50 South, and then into Pleasant Grove's 1100 North, and Pleasant Groves 2000 West is AF's 900 East. Same goes with Lindon's streetes, so I put in a Pleasant Grove address for 95 South but ended up lost somewhere in Lindon's 95th south. We finally found it and I the kids had been in the car for almost 2 hours, so even though I didn't know what we were going to do, I let them all get out of the car. The Get Out Pass said "One free pumpkin after entry"... I didn't know how much "entry" was or what it included, or if we'd be able to just go get free pumpkins... I go to the ticket counter. Tickets are $9 bucks each. I have 6 kids with me. I'm not going to pay $54 and then NOT stay atleast an hour to get our money's worth, but I'm not prepared to watch all of you run around on slides and stuff for over an hour without older kids or your dad here to to help me, so scratch that. The ticket lady says that we can just go buy pumpkins, and the kids have wanted that for a while, so .40 cents a pound, let's go buy pumpkins kids. Although I might write a email to the GetOut Pass customer service that it might be nice to let us know how much the entry is on the app. Ok, so the kids were all fine with that and were excited to see and carry the pumpkins.
Daniel, you're so strong! He was on the go running around, it was a pretty exciting place! They have small rocks to throw too! He grabbed two handfuls to toss as Owen looked in the pumpkin bin.
Abi, Lily and Sophi were looking all around for just the right pumpkin.
We finally settled on 3, weighed them, and bought them. $11.80. I can handle that, grab them and let's load them up. We headed to the car. Well, what else does the GetOut Pass have. I text Mel to pick up Wesley and we decide to go to Orem to do miniature golf at Cascade Mini Golf. It took a while to find that place too. When we finally did....
... yeah, it was closed for the season. Well boo on them too. But we were in a great location to see the sunset's colors on Cascade Mountain~ beautiful!
Singing from angelic choirs above, ahhh! So pretty!
I sent a message to the Get Out Pass people to let them know it's closed and it might be nice if they add that info to the app, or remove that offer from the app for the time being... just looking out for other Get Out people. But even with these two kinda failed attempts at activities, it did still get us "out" of the house, so I guess they're still delivering on their business slogan, go team.

After two strikes, we hit on our 3rd attempt when we got Little Ceasars pizza cause they had free balloons, yay, toddlers are happy. We got home around 7:45 pm. Sophi said "We spent all day at two places, just at school and in the car!" Yes, you guys were good sports, sorry to keep you trapped for so long! Everyone was happy at home with the pizza, and that was our outing for the today, yay. We are excited to have two days off tomorrow and Friday for UEA weekend, yay, no school!

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