Thursday, October 11, 2018

Natalie is Good

Just thought I'd do a little shout out to my Natalie. This little girl is such an angel, I hope it lasts forever. When I tell her to do her job (vacuuming the stairs) she says "Okay!!" and get the vacuum out, does it all right away, and THEN she will wrap the cord up on the vacuum and put it back away in the closet!!! Like, I usually have to nag or follow up with the older kids to get them do the final step of putting the vacuum or lawn mower away. Wow, go Natalie!
Another thing Natalie does everynight - when we sit down for scriptures, she will go to the shelf and get all the stack of Book of Mormons (or is it "Books" of Mormon?) and pass them around to everyone. Sometimes it's late and I'm just going to read a few verses so I am okay to just use one book for me to read from, but you can't stop Natalie - she'll pass them all out anyway. Daniel was following her example last night, picking up the Books from off the kids' laps or from the couch beside them, and he tried holding them in a stack like Natalie did (he couldn't even hold 3 though, 2 was his max capacity) and so with 2 in hand he'd hand them out again. It was really cute to see Daniel imitate her. I let her know that not only was she being a good helper to us, but she was being a good example to Daniel of how to be a good helper. And THEN after prayer and everyone heads up to brush teeth, this little angel sticks around picking up the books and putting them back on the shelf. She's good. A little too good... I hope it doesn't mean that she's going to be taken back home to heaven early cause she's already amazing and perfect. Maybe it just means she'll lead the pack in being translated, ha. I'm glad that she has afternoon kindergarten, cause after all that Cinderella work, she needs a little bit more time for beauty rest in the mornings. Lately she's taken to sleeping on the floor in Mel and Abi's room.
A few other cute things. I think it was Ethan that was looking for something he'd misplaced recently, and was asking everyone if they'd seen such'n'such, and Natalie ran up and in her sweet voice said "I can help! I'm a good finder!!" and diligently set out to find the lost item. A good finder, a good cleaner, good helper, she's a good example, she's good at a lot for being just a little 5 year old. We love Natalie.

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