Thursday, October 4, 2018

Rain and a Rainbow

We beheld a beautiful beautiful double rainbow tonight. Here's a picture of it that a neighbor caught on their way home toward our canyon.
When Mel saw it, she sounded the alarm "THERE'S A RAINBOW!!!!" and then all the kids came running from their rooms, like students clearing out of the school when the fire alarm sounds... we all went running! I peeked out the laundry room window, yep! Let's go! "To the front yard!" I instructed. The kids had been using my phone and they didn't know where they'd left it, so I ran outside without it - we had to hurry! Mel found her phone... "I can't enjoy this moment if I can't post it on Instagram!" she joked. She was ready for us to capture the moment - I took some pictures of her -
"Text these to me later..."
I got a few of her, but I was getting soaked, so she passed me the umbrella and I went out to the street where I could see the full 180 degrees of this vision of color. The last few rainbows have come and gone so quickly, we didn't want to miss it. This one seemed to be staying a bit. "Mom, you should get your nice camera!" No, if I go in, it will be gone before I get back. Well, maybe it will still be here - it was really bright and vibrant and the rain was still coming down. "Where is it?" On the chair by my closet. Mel ran in and in 30 seconds she was back out. Yay, we can take more pictures - she got this one of me enjoying the glory of the moment -
Rainbows are seriously so incredible, like who comes up with these ideas!?! There's the head of some committee up in heaven getting creation ideas to present to God: "I love the snow idea, I like that they'll be able to pack it and build with it and skis and sled on it. That sounds like fun. What should we do when it's not freezing? Any ideas?" An angel raises her hand - "How about in the summer or fall, when it's just rain, how 'bout if we make it that when it's raining, we'll make it so that if the sunlight hits it, like it makes this huge beautiful arched wonder of color up in the sky?"  "Oooh! I like it! Let's do it!"
That's the inside rainbow arch, you can't really see it was a double, but there was a faint second arch reaching across the whole sky -
My camera lens seemed a bit stuck and I couldn't get it to zoom out far enough to see both rainbows on that camera, but there's the ones from Mel's phone. Owen was really cute - pointing up to the sky saying "Wook! A Wainbow!!" Cute Daniel holding the umbrealla. From Mel's angle -
My point of view -
He took his umbrella holding very seriously - I could tell from his expression that he was really concentrating and he walked up the driveway and held it as high as his little arms could reach and still allow him to see where he was going. Cute kid.
We love rainbows! They are a sign of God's covenant with Enoch that Zion will return and the Lord will come again - we Latter Day Saints are so lucky to have the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible!

- Rainbow 

An outward token of God’s covenant with Noah (Gen. 9:13; see also Ezek. 1:28Rev. 4:310:1). The rainbow no doubt existed before the Flood, but with Noah the rainbow took on a new significance as the token of the covenant. JST Gen. 9:17–25 enlarges the terms of the covenant to include not only that the earth will never again be covered with a flood of water, but also that the Zion of Enoch will return and the Lord will come again to dwell on the earth (see Gen. 9:11 note c, 15 note b; JST Gen. 9:21–25 [Appendix]).

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