Friday, October 5, 2018

Phone Reset

So, I don't wake up the high school kids for school anymore. I did last year, but we turned a corner this past spring when we decided they are almost adults and it's not my job, they need to start owning their life. So, I don't wake them up, but Ethan was having trouble setting his alarm last night or the app was being weird or something, Corey didn't want to stay up any longer to fix it, so he asked me to wake Ethan up for jazz band at 5:30. I usually get up at 5:45 or 6, so no biggie, I can do that. Well, come 4 a.m., I wake up with my horrible cottonmouth, a common occurrence, and so I get a drink of water and while I was at it I decided to get my phone from the charger and bring it closer to me for when I got up in 90 minutes. I double check that it's charged, and I can't see the charge percentage. I can't see anything. All my phone has is a black screen that reads:
Um... any chance I can not do that? I'd like to cancel the reset, please? I try to turn it on and off, I did, but no lock screen came up, no pass code for me to enter, just the black screen telling me my phone needs to be reset and all my data will be erased. On and off a few more times, ugh - oh drat, what the heck is this?!? What did I click yesterday that would cause a computer bug or virus like this to get on my phone? Maybe it's a network wide thing? I check Corey's phone to see if his has that mean black screen, but his is normal. Man. Well, thankfully I got all my pictures off from yesterday, wahoo! And possibly loosing pictures is usually the biggest thing I'm worried about. Yesterday when I was transferring them after getting Mel's rainbow pics sent to my phone, while I was on I also cleared out all my screenshots and other saved pictures too, so... I guess I'll be okay. I am resigned to this turn my phone's fate has taken. Looks like I don't have any other choice, not that I was thinking super clearly at 4:15, but I was now wide awake. I click reset and it starts to do whatever, a black screen that has a pulsing white word "SAMSUNG" and is taking a long time. I set it down. I go get Corey's phone so I can set a 5:30 alarm on his phone so that I can go back to bed until my official wake up time. I'm gonna make it 5:35, give myself 5 more minutes cause of this 25 min interruption to my morning sleep. It took me a while to get drowsy again, but I did fall asleep, woke up at 5:35

So I woke up, woke up Ethan and Wes, did my 20 min of stretching, then went downstairs for a treadmill walk/jog, cause it was raining outside. After that was done, I fiddled around with my phone, couldn't re-install my apps cause I needed the wifi password, got that later today from Corey, now all the apps are back up. I got a new lock screen and home screen! So that's exciting. Here's the new homescreen look -
 And the old - Nevermind... I thought I had a screenshot of that, but I can't find it. Maybe I never got one. I guess there will be one memory and documentation casualty of this unfortunate phone rest. Goodbye old wallpaper. I can't find the image of you, but if I ever do, I'll come back and let the posterity know what backdrop I had for the past 10 months. This is my new lock screen.
Yay. Holly shared that in the EJC today, perfect timing cause I was looking for something cute and positive. Yes, maybe reasons to be happy, this will be good for me to see each day. I'm still a part of that online community of moms. We're doing the courage challenge right now, like we did last year when I first joined. I'm really proud of how far I've come this past year, I think I'm doing really good! Workouts are on track (with daily stretching!), and they usually aren't this solid when I'm pregnant, maybe #12 will be my best one yet! I'm competing against a younger me - when I had Hyrum 15 years ago, young and 27. That was my best pregnancy, followed by Daniel's, we'll see how much spunk I still have in me. Back to other goals - I make my bed everyday, the house is pretty clean, considering our large family, but I don't to accept excuses. I want to improve our home routines and life, and that's kinda where my focus is this go around. If you want help improving your life, it starts by taking back your mornings. Holly still has facebook videos of her last 10 day Take Back Your Morning Challenge, if you want to go give them a listen! Might just be life changing for you too. (I'm still hoping to somehow get my kids to watch these videos, or I just need to memorize all these sayings and teachings - "How you choose to wake up and spend your time spills over into your entire day"
Day 1/Video 1 - What are your mornings like now? Describe it in 3 words. Either you run the day or the day runs you!
Homework: Choose ONE THING to do differently to help you love your morning
Day 2/Video 2 - Stop being at the mercy of a messy morning. Design a meaningful morning routine to create a morning that matters. How you choose to wake up directly impacts your mood, your energy, and the momentum of your day. When your win the morning, you win the day!
Homework: Draft up a morning routine, set a consistent wake up time. Write it out, protect your time, weave your routines around your responsibilities so you can DO what is important to you. A written routine provides an anchor.
Day 3/Video 3 - "I don't do mornings" Are you ready to rise or reluctant to rise? Reluctant? Why? It's cause you are #1) sleep deprived or #2) bad attitude. For #1 - Sleep deprived: is it seasonal and temporary (like if you have a newborn)? Give yourself a break to do your best in this season. It's just the way it is, accept it. Or are you sleep deprived because of a pattern in your life? Get to the bottom reason of why you are not getting enough sleep. Get honest about the underlying reasons. What choices are you making that are contributing to a lack of sleep. Own it. You can't change what you refuse to confront.
Day 4/Video 4 - You SNOOZE, you LOSE! Just set your alarm for the time that you are going to get up. Stop tricking yourself into thinking that a few more minutes of sleep is going to make you feel better or more rested. It won't! But that attitude will ruin your mood and morning. I want to wake up and live! I commit to quit hitting snooze! Make it harder to hit snooze, put your alarm across the room, where you can't reach it lying down. Alarm off - LIFE ON!
Day 5/Video 5 - Huge difference between being busy and being productive.  How to beat the "busy" trap - "If only I had more time, I would..." Busy - going all day and doing all day with nothing to show for it. How to wake up PRODUCTIVE. Three words - What's important now? What's important now in this season of your life? What makes most sense to you and to your family (the people under your roof). You are the expert of your life. You get to decide what matters most to you and your family. Your life, your terms. What other people think is none of your business. If your actions defy your values, your priorities, all your efforts to be productive GO TO WASTE when you're spending your time on things that are not your priority. Cause what moves you forward is to focus on your priorities. You do not need more time, no one gets more time. The most successful people that you can look up to only have 24 hours a day. But they are doing what is important to them and they protect their time for what matters most. You don't need more time, you just need more reasons to protect your time wisely - because you've decided what's important NOW. What is important? Busy is a decision, it's not an excuse. Instead of "I'm too busy" say "that's not important to me right now". Saying that might hurt, but that emotional charge could be what you need to make the change you need to in your life.
Day 6/Video 6 - ... I'll finish doing typing notes on these later if I can. Good stuff, go give a listen.
Day 7/Video 7
Day 8/Video 8
Day 9/Video 9
Day 10/Video 10 - Doable Action Steps

So excited for General Conference tomorrow! I love being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ!

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