Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Climbing at Momentum

I mentioned yesterday the outing that Corey and the kids had on Saturday to Momentum. Today I got the pictures from Corey of their fun.
Hyrum was nice to go and help his dad out. Abi and Wes are good helpers too.
We'll start with the littlest climber, cute Owen!
Corey helping him get his rope ready
Corey had his hands full and told me that he delegated the photo taking to the kids. Hence most of them are blurry and out of focus. So I've deleted a lot of them, but here are a few of the good ones to capture the day.
Owen tried the big wall...
for a while but eventually went over to the smaller with one Natalie.
Pretty Natalie -
Sophi going up - 
Lily going up and up
Corey working the belay on Lily.

Wes taking a break from belaying to climb.
 Hyrum didn't get on the wall - he belayed the whole time. Such a good helper.
You're pretty high up there Lil!
Two videos of the event - one taken by Abi -

And this one showing that there's an amature behind the camera (I think Sophi took it) Cute and funny

Glad that my kids are having and making good memories.

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