Monday, November 5, 2018

Chore Success

Last week's chore chart was a success. It was visible and in a location where everyone could see it, which helped with my need to be clear with the kids on expectations. So we're doing it again this week, and I guess it might be official cause I put up two command hooks to hang it from there on the pantry door. 
This one has a cuter font and was a little more planned out.
I traced the letters on the top of the poster from some dollar tree stickers I have on hand. The same stickers I use for the initials on the scrapbook binders (in last two pics). Today was a good day chore wise - another strong Monday start like last week with 6 out of 8 kids earning their check mark. Last Saturday kids earned two rewards - after they did their Saturday chores Corey took them to Momentum with the Get Out Pass, and then after they got home I had some Oreo cookies for them, one for each day they did their job - Sophi was our winner getting a check every day, good job Sophs. I asked Corey for pictures of Momentum, but he said he outsourced it to the kids since he had to help belay. I haven't seen them yet but Corey said they're all blurry. Maybe I'll still post a few. He took Hyrum, Wes, Abi, Lily, Sophi, Natalie, and Owen. They left with Daniel in the van but not Hyrum, then Corey called and asked Hyrum to come. But then they were short a seat. So they came back home, pulled into the drive way, all said "We're here!" and got out of the car, in an attempt to get Daniel to come out willingly. They walked in the front door, I brought in Daniel in my arms, and Hyrum joined them as they all walked straight through the kitchen then over and out into the garage and back into the car and off they went. Daniel and I had some chocolate cashew ice cream and he was never the wiser. Well, he might have suspected he'd been tricked, but I didn't hear any complaints from him at all. He's a good little kid. They had fun at Momentum, and they went by Costa Vida to get some food from Mel on their way home. I like us having an activity on Saturdays that the kids can look forward to. Our friend from Brazil, Rafael, is in town for work (He and Corey work together still). Corey helped him arrange for a room up at Park City, so I think our activity this Saturday is to go swimming up there. Fun fun.

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