Thursday, November 1, 2018

Free Candy Day

The kids had a great time trick or treating last night.
Before we all went out about the neighborhood, we were invited to a neighbors house for pizza, hot chocolate, and apple cider. Natalie... sorry, I mean Elsa, ejoying her pizza. She has a very low front hairline. But it was pretty chilly, so I think Natalie was using the wig more as a hat to keep warm.
The hot chocolate was a good idea. The kids had fun watching them press freshly picked apples on their cider press, pretty cool! Little pirate lily on the left there.
She was more concerned with looking cool than being warm. We had Owen and Daniel wear little zip up costumes since it was so cold. They were fine in these toasty outfits. Owen the frog - 
 Daniel the lion, although he insisted he was a dog.
Keeping his cheeks warm. After they ate enough the kids were out in the back on the playset.
Owen headed down the slide, Daniel at the top, Natalie on the swing. Time for a group picture of all the neighborhood kids. After a day in a prim and proper dress, Abi was ready to be able to breath and relax, so she traded her victorian gown for the Mario costume we got for Wes.
Wesley was at a party with friends for most of the evening. He was dressed up as a Wasatch Jr. High SBO, wearing my sweater from almost 30 years ago. Wasatch is their rival school. so he was sure there would be nothing scarier than seeing him posing as a student from their enemies walking around Churchill's sacred halls. Funny. He had started to gathering black clothing so he could be Westly but needed a few more things to make it work, and I refused to take him to the store, seeing as we'd already spent $40 on a costume for him, so I told him tough. I was glad he figured something out. I stayed home for a bit handing out candy, until Hyrum was ready to take over my post. Then I caught up to Corey and the kids. Daniel was a cute little straggler...
Too slow, Daniel missed the house, let's turn and go across the street...
Sophia came to help him catch up for the next house. 
Corey picked him up for a few more. They didn't last very long.
We split up and I tracked down Natalie who had left with some boy friends.
She decided she was done with them and so she and I finished a few houses together until it was dark, then headed home. They got lots of candy to eat, yesterday was a free candy day for gathering it up, and today has been free candy day 2 - cause they are free to consume it. I don't care at the moment and just want it gone, so it's kinda been a free for all - "Sure. Eat it. Get rid of it..." Dinner tonight was low key/non-existent since after school they just ate from their bags or from the left over loot from our house. I'm finding wrappers and candy everywhere. Sooner it's gone the better. I know I could just throw it away, but they'll eat it gone soon enough. I bet it will all be gone by the weekend.

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