Friday, November 2, 2018

Friday Snapshots

This morning before the girls left for school - they gathered candy to take as their snacks. Owen used the opportunity to trick or treat some more as he went person to person asking for handouts... "Trick or Treat..."
He seemed quite pleased - "Cool! It worked again!" Every kid loves free candy!
So that was cute. This afternoon - Natalie walking to the bus stop, showing her little brothers the way.
I love these little kids. Love seeing them take care of each other.
I went to the temple again - that's five Fridays in a row - go me.
The sun was just setting as I came out - the tops of the mountains glowing in the last rays of light, pink clouds above them.
It looked like Mount Sinai from the old Ten Commandments movie. Just beautiful. Corey went with Ethan to his Cresent band rehearsal tonight cause they were going to have a parent meeting afterwards to talk about their tour to China. Corey said it sounds awesome - Eth will be traveling city to city on a bullet train (can reach 200+ mph!) Speaking of E, it's late at night right now - I'm up waiting for our young man actually. After our date night (Bandits Grill, delicious strawberry quinoa salad with shrimp (cause I'm still do a little bit of sea food) we got home and Eth wanted to hang out with friends, we said not tonight (we're kinda clamping down on his privileges until he is ready to take over owning the music opportunities before him) anyway, so he left anyway - had a friend come pick him up. So he's most likely going to be grounded, although Corey was too disappointed to talk about consequences and he just sent to bed. I think E was trying to sneak out, but obviously doesn't have a lot of experience, unless he was totally planning on being caught - cause it was just 9:30 pm and Corey and I were both still awake. Anyway, we were able to text the friend who picked him up cause E left his cell phone here, which made that easy for Corey to confiscate as punishment.  Corey texted "Can you have Ethan call me?" We'll see how it goes this weekend with that, our first kid sneaking out. But we can't see where he is on life 360 with his phone here, a possible con to not letting him have his phone back. Other than that it's been a nice day and should be a nice weekend - Abi has her last soccer game, Mel GMS, and Wes his symphony orchestra. We're going to try to do a get out pass thing tomorrow after kids do their jobs, a list of which is already up and on the wall, go me!

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