Saturday, November 24, 2018

Game Night

I actually played a board game with the kids tonight, go me. They asked me to join them, I said no thanks, but then Hyrum needed to go somewhere with Corey for like 10-15 min, so I told Hyrum I'd play for him until he got back. They were playing "Go For It" - a game I got from a friend in 6th grade for my birthday (kinda amazing the things that end up still kicking around after 30+ years... I think this game was actually stored safely at my parents house for many years - during college, my mission, and the first early years of our marriage. Then when my parents were clearing out stuff, I got it back.)
This is a game the kids play quite a bit. I've taken pictures before of some pretty intense games they had going on, but I don't think I've recorded it here. But the kids like it. It is a fun game - hard to get a more "80s" game than this, so it's kinda like teaching them about history too, ha. Abi's turn to roll the dice...
I kept Hyrum in a good spot and got his salary up by the time he got back. It was fun. So when the game ended, I told them that if they started a new game, I'd join in. They did, and I did, and we had fun with a mess of ornament boxes around us.
I was doing pretty great during that game. I was able to sell one of my houses for double the price, so I got $600K pretty early into the game and was rich! Right after I sold that house, I inherited a house from a deceased rich uncle (what a lucky niece I am!) haha, we also landed on my birthday twice - if the timepiece lands on your birthday, everyone has to give you $5000 dollars (pretty generous friends people had in the 80s!) It's also funny what we each go for - Wesley liked the seaside mansion, I remember really liking the Tudor house, we all like the corvette, we all think the Feeling Good cards are way overpriced - like $6000 for a health club membership?!? It also made the game more interesting when Daniel woke up from his nap, cause he wanted our two dice. I went and got some more from downstairs, but it didn't matter now many I had, Daniel wanted them all. So we each kept one hidden from him, which kinda worked for a bit. We down to one dice for a bit, and D saw it and wanted it and was sad, so we each hurried and rolled it so we could know how many to move the game piece when it was our turn, and then we gave it to Daniel and that let us keep playing without a dice and gave me time to go get some more dice again. So it was fun and silly, and I was winning but ended up losing right at the end cause Hyrum stole one of my cars (you had to have 3 cars to "go for it") so I lost, everyone else kinda won, but it was a tie, so for the tie breaker you see who has the most status cards - so Abi won the game. But I felt I should be pleased, I had lots of temporal success - I ended with over a million dollars, 5 homes, was the chief of staff at my medial practice...
But as Hyrum pointed out, it was sad that I just hoarded all this wealth instead of helping the poor. True, Hyurm, true. I'll strive to make more of my real life.

Abi wanted to play some more, but we took a break for dinner and told her we'd play later. She wanted to play 5000. (The rules are a bit different there than how we play, but also similar. Still, we should probably do a review of the actual rules over what Corey or I remember the rules as being). So, Abi smoked us all on the first game, and Wes won the second round easily with rolling two straights with his dice, which they said were worth 2000 points each (that website link says just 1500 tho).
I was loosing big time, and Hyrum rolled after me, and I think my bad luck wore off on him, cause he did lousy too.
It got a little tricky again when Daniel saw those dice. Silly toddlers, always making simple games more complicated. But we kept 5 and he just had to deal with it. And now there are dice all over the kitchen floor.
Wes set up the Hot Wheels race track and that kept Owen happy and also entertained Daniel for a while - whatever we could do to distract him for a few minutes. It was fun to play games. I have a lot of games stored downstairs. I think I keep them in hopes of recreating memories of playing games with my siblings when I was a kid, but I don't play much. But the kids play. They like Risk and Go For it. We'll try to make a game night a more regular thing. It'd be fun to make myself join them atleast once a month. Hard with the little kids, which is usually why Corey and I don't play, but if one of us takes the toddlers the other one should be able to get in the game... Ok, that's the goal - once a month alteast for Corey or I to play with the kids, and we'll call it a success. November is taken care of, we'll do it one more time before the end of the year - that's doable, and it's fun to make memories with these kids.

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