Sunday, November 25, 2018

First Snow

It snowed yesterday, not much, but the kids are excited. Abi helped Owen get dressed today and they went outside to play "snowman".
(She's such a good big sister)
Owen has been calling snow "snowman" since he's recently discovered the movie "Elsa" aka Frozen.
He hasn't been singing Let it Go, but his version of "Do you want to build a snowman" is pretty adorable. I'll try to get a video of it.
We had a nice Sunday. It's good to have some snow, makes it feel like it's okay for us to have the tree up. I'm hoping this month goes by quickly, the faster it passes the faster this pregnancy will be over and baby will be here. We're also really looking forward to talking to Joseph on Christmas! I'm sending him a package tomorrow, the last one he'll get before Christmas.

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