Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Lily on the Sax

Corey began this month to teach his next musician. Lily is going to learn to play the saxophone. He started her on the soprano.
I'm not sure if this was the first day of her lessons, but these are the first pictures of it - 5 November - She had pretty good lungs and made a good solid sound during her first lessons, Corey told her she's a natural!
And getting a little more into the jazz character with the black hat and sunglasses! These are from two weeks ago on November 13th.
Looking good Lil! But, how do you sound?
Here's 12 seconds of her practicing today -

You're doing awesome Lil. Her brothers would disagree however and are giving her a hard time. But, being teenage boys, they usually give her a hard time with most things. Ah the joys of family life (we miss you Joseph! He was never like that to any of his siblings.) Don't you listen to any nay-sayers, Lil! Believe your dad, he's got your best interests at heart. So this week Corey began to each Lily and Sophi a Christmas number they could do together - "We Wish You A Merry Christmas".
Their instruments play in different keys, so Corey was writing out the different notes for each one, but they wanted to get at it and so they played off of the same music, and they were in tune! But they shouldn't have been, so Corey laughed cause that was funny, he thinks it was Lily that was a step flat. It was a little bit harder work than Lily's had this month, so she got a bit frustrated, but Corey was by her side to encourage her. They might not have it ready for the ward party next week, but maybe they'll be ready for our extended family get together on Christmas Eve.

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