Friday, November 30, 2018

Climbing Little Everest

Today Owen and Daniel came with me to take Natalie to the bus stop. After Natalie left and we waved goodbye to the bus, we came back home where these two little boys enjoyed a good 30 minutes of stomping in the little bit of remaining snow in the driveway. Then they discovered some even bigger mounds of snow on the grass!
They hiked up the snow on the grass over and over again and were being so cute -
Most of the snow that fell on Sunday has now melted, as you can see in this picture of Natalie. Oh, to live on the north side of the street! They have sun and spring like weather over there. But not for us here on the south. Here, it is always winter but never Christmas.
Most days, when Natalie leaves for afternoon kindergarten, I sneak out to the bus stop with just her and try to do so without the boys noticing us leaving, distracting them with food or sometimes I'll put them down for their naps if they woke up early that morning. If it looks like I'm not going to be able to distract them, I need to watch the clock and give myself an extra 10 minutes to get them dressed in shoes and coats too so they can come. Today we had time, so I got them ready. I was glad I did, cause they were so cute playing. Daniel would call to Owen to "Help me!" and Owen would run to his aide.
Owen was just adorable - "Come on Daniel!"
"Come on Daniel, come on! I got ya!"
"We did it!"
Here is just one of their great expeditions on video

At the end of that one, I loved "Come on, you can do it! We did it!" It was really cute to watch them. It was a good day. I went to the temple to do intiatories this afternoon, my weekly Friday outing. We had a miracle in that our van tires finally arrived. I called early this morning and it was a miracle that they answered the phone and I talked to someone. We dropped off the van this afternoon, cause the snow is coming later tonight and our tires are so bald, we were worried we wouldn't make it out if we waited. There should be lots of snow this weekend, a good storm coming in. We are very grateful the snow waited for our tires, they will be installed at 7 tomorrow morning. Hooray for Christmas miracles.

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