Monday, November 26, 2018

Missionary Christmas Package

Good morning. With the fresh snow outside, the kids enjoyed getting all bundled up before they headed to school today.
Lily liked her Minion hat.
Owen thought it was pretty fun too - I want a turn!
I ran a few errands today to get some things to send in a package to Joseph tonight. The MayanXpress was doing a pick up at Ikea at 7pm. I went by Scheels and got Joseph a BYU sweater, by request. Then to Costco for some solid socks. I got some groceries too, and maybe I just say that the blueberries right now are AMAZING, they were so good - like the whole clamshell!
Don't tell Wes, but I ate them all on the drive home. I bought two packages of them, and probably am not going to tell anyone about the other one, cause I want to eat all of that one too. They were tart and sweet and plump so they popped when I bit them, just perfect. Maybe I'll get more this week. So I delivered the package tonight. There was a line, I tried to keep warm in the car while I waited for the line to get smaller.
It was a slow moving line. It was the last drop off before Christmas, so there were lots of people sending packages to their missionaries. I had the kids write some letters, Mel drew a picture of the infant Lord "A Savior is Born". I send him the new Saints book, the socks, chocolate bars and Lindor chocolates, some white Christmas lights, and tape to put up the lights in his apartment window if he wanted. I didn't wrap anything, so he probably won't be able to save anything until Christmas cause he'll already see what it is. Well, I guess he can save the chocolates. Corey's parents sent a package too. I hope he has a good Christmas. We're excited cause we get to talk to him on Christmas day, so that will be fun! Looking forward to it.

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