Monday, November 19, 2018

Rescued Basement

I don't know what came over me on Saturday, but I worked for most of the day on organizing and cleaning the basement, and I did it!
And it didn't even feel like a chore, I was just doing it and getting it done and I got it all done in one day, which is a miracle, cause that place was such a mess. It wouldn't have happened without Abi helping me last Friday evening to get the first half of it clean. And the kids are kinda doing their part with our new chore system. So now I'm just knocking out one area after another! The laundry room has been clean for 10 days! Like, no piles of laundry and no clutter covering the desk. It's just clean! And it's staying clean! And I keep thinking to myself that a miracle has taken place. Last year on the courage challenge with Holly and the EJC, the question was asked "If you went to bed and a miracle took place over night in your life, when you woke up in the morning, how would you know?" and we had to describe it. And I described what my house and life look and feel like right now. It's pretty cool. So I'm in a really good spot right now and am quite content with it. It feels good. I really think a lot of the credit goes to Holly, and I also think it started in May with just making my bed everyday. And I do make it everyday. Cause it takes 2 minutes and it feels good and it spills little by little over into the room, and then that clean room spills over into the rest of the house. On Saturday, after the basement was done, I told Abi "Unfortunately, your room is now the messiest room in the house!" And that's funny cause she is my best cleaner, but for some reason her room has been a wreck. And this is a bedroom that just Mel and Abi share. How could that be!? They used to blame the mess on all their little sisters, and I've been like "What's your excuse now, huh?" It's probably a mental thing - like its kinda easier to organize someone else's clutter up than your own. Someday I'll be a professional organizer. Over 10 years ago as I was searching for my calling in life, I started to dabble with organizing and worked for a few neighbors and got taken up for a job on a craiglist posting. And Corey was like "Um, can I hire you to do our house?" And I was like "Ughh... I don't want to do our house.." (end of 2nd paragraph here) But last night Abi wanted to decorate her wall a bit, and I said she had to clean her room for 10 min first and then I'd come help her. But I was busy doing something else, and more than 10 min passed, and pretty soon she came and told me her room was all done. With everything, just get started. Just set a timer for as little as 3 minutes. With everything- like if you don't want to do a 20 min jog, just do a 5 min walk. Anyone can do that. Start small, and little by little you feel the positive effects of it and you want to do more - little by little, a little becomes a lot. So her room is clean now, the house is looking great. I'm ready to supervise chores when the kids get home from school in another hour. We're in a good spot, yay! Sounds like it's probably time to get another ball to juggle, eh? Ok, well baby will be here in 8 weeks, hooray! I'm going to enjoy this good time while it's here, and we'll reevaluate and start a new season of life in January when junior arrives.

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