Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Violin Recital

Sophi had her first violin recital last night. I stayed home with the little noisy kids and Corey took her out with her a few of her sisters that were ready to sit quietly like angels and listen.
Sophi played wonderfully and did such a good bow before and after her little number of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Corey said it was perfect. Lily captured her own version of the performance on the back of the program.
She did that after they were sitting back down and the girls were drawing ugly pictures of each other to keep themselves entertained through the rest of the recital. Although it was not an accurate picture of Ms. Amy, Corey did like the attention to detail... the eyes clenched shut, the mouth grimacing in pain, the hands over her ears. 
Lily, I think we're gonna have to keep an eye on you as you grow older, she might be a bit too clever for her own good....
The kids thought the refreshments were a free for all dessert bar.
Good job Sophi, you're in good hands with Ms. Amy. We'll try to learn what it takes, but hope you will be able to drive and own this skill as you grow more into it, since the violin is new to us and we really don't know what we're doing.

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