Sunday, December 2, 2018

20 Years Ago Today

Twenty years ago today, I came home from my mission. I'm sure there have been other memorable dates in my life besides Dec 2nd and April 28th, but those two are the only ones that I remember without even trying. Dec 2nd - return from mission, and my birthday. I'm sure I was excited to be born, though I don't remember much of that day, but December 2nd I remember, and I had it marked on my calendar for many months and looked forward to it, knowing it would be the BEST DAY EVER cause I was going to see Corey again after 3 and a half years. Here is a picture of us on that day, December 2nd, 1998 - we couldn't hug or sit too close yet, cause I was still a missionary...
We had to wait until I was "released" from my calling later that evening. After that meeting with my Stake President, I was free to date again. Corey came and picked me up and we went to Temple Square. And now, once again on the evening of December 2nd... 20 years later...
Tonight we went again - kind of an appropriate commemoration of the day. Corey said "...I had no warning..." We went tonight to meet a family from Guatemala that is in Joseph's ward in Lo De Coy - they had a package for us from him. They were in town and were going to the First Presidency Christmas Devotional, so we went down to meet them. I'll post more of those pictures tomorrow, but here are a few - all of us waiting in the cold, trying to find the man with the package from Joseph, we took that picture to text to him so he'd know what to look for "I'm wearing a yellow coat, we're surrounded by a lot of kids." Yes, 20 years and 11.9 kids later, who would have thought? I did not and could not have imagined what our life would be like, but I love it. So many blessings in just 20 years. I wonder what the next 20 hold.

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