Saturday, December 1, 2018

Next Month!

Hooray it's December! That means I can now say I am due "next" month! Does that mean I'm almost there? Will this pregnancy end? I guess all the others have, so that's promising. I can do this.
I do have a pregnancy wish... My pregnancies have been pretty predictable so far, so if God wants to shake things up a bit, I told Him I'm cool if he wants to have my water break or something like that. I'll be 36 weeks on the 24th, so that would be fun to go early, which has never happened. Just sayin' I'd be okay with that. Probably won't happen and I'll be induced at 39 weeks, but if we wanted to try something new, that would be fun. A girl can wish.... We got more snow today. The kids went outside to play in it. Owen looked cute.
He's a good little kid.
Abi played with him outside for a bit, then inside to warm up. Coats, mittens, boots are everywhere... we need a mud room. The little girls got ready and they went sledding. 
Let me take a picture! Natalie strikes a pose - Abi imitates it
Silly girls. They had fun, we're all glad December is here.

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