Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Daniel Is Healthy

Daniel is my first toddler to be exposed to plant based eating as a child. It gives me great hopes for him. So help had healthy little kids before - toddler Lily used to raw onionseat my veggie soup and she and Sophi would eat bell peppers like they were apples. Daniel is on track to be my healthiest kiddo yet. Sure, he eats all the normal junk of the standard American diet (SAD) but... he's been open to eating all sorts of vegetables! He took it to a new level this past week - these were pics taken on Saturday where he ate hummus again, but this time he ate most of the Romaine lettuce too!
And, yes, some of it still ended up chewed up and spit out on the floor. But the fact that some made it down his throat is pretty amazing.
You keep it up, little Daniel, I'm proud of you. He loves the little hummus single servings and also will eat the little single servings of guacamole, too.
And here are a few pictures from Sunday. I woke up Daniel and Owen so we could get ready for church...
It's cute when his exhausted little arm is between the bars. Owen, asleep in his chair...
I made myself my usual bowl of oatmeal, bananas, berries, flaxseed with almond milk. I gave Daniel a banana, which he happily atebut then he wanted some of what I was eating.
I obliged him. I will support and encourage healthy eating!

I'd love it if all my kids had oatmeal and fruit for breakfast. I don't even use pure maple syrup right now to sweeten it more.... the berries and banana make it sweet enough. Dr. Greger's app (end of this post) that I've been using the past week has been really helpful and I've been eating awesomely. I'm hoping I can keep maintaining my weight until baby comes next month. I'm doing great so far.

Oh, a few more pictures of D eating his veggies - this was yesterday lunch - eating leftover cucumbers with his hummus.
This little guy is on track for a long and healthy life, I'm proud of you Daniel! He looks like he's proud too!

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