Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Winter Dance Concert

Tonight I made it a priority to go see Wesley in his Dance Concert for Ballroom. I was really brave and took Natalie, Owen, AND Daniel with me! But only cause Abi agreed to come and help.
Daniel was happy to see his big brother Wes.
We went in and found some seats near the back.
The kids did really good for the first hour. Most of the dance numbers were short, which helped me out, cause Daniel's favorite part was clapping at the end of each dance. It was hard to get a good photo of Wes during the number, but I've pointed him out below.
He did a good job. 
I was proud of myself for going and supporting him. Couldn't have done it without Abi. The little kids did good for the first hour, then they got bored and wouldn't stay in their seats. They'd walk to the door, then come back, and repeated that for about 45 minutes. Abi got up and watched them at the door side as I sat my tired pregnant body in the chair and kept an eye on them from out row. Finally it was the Finale.
That meant Daniel had another opportunity to run around. Abi helped me chase him down and go back to the car. 
I did it, I was a supportive parent. Go me. 10 points for Gryffindor. Hopefully I won't be in recovery mode all day tomorrow. I'm so ready to have this pregnancy over with, almost there. I just keep telling that to myself, and also try to not think about it.

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