Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Flute Recordings

Last Friday, Melodie left school to go spend a few hours recording flute numbers for her to submit with some college applications.
I've been listening to them a lot to day, she really does play beautifully. Good job Mel!

She's so lucky to have such a good father. Corey got her started with the flute, taught her everything he knew, and then found wonderful teachers for her - Susan Goodfellow, an emeritus professor of flute at the University of Utah, who took Melodie as her last student, and then April Clayton, who is currently the flute professor at BYU. Corey's told her before how fortunate she has been to have such great teachers, both of which kinda fell into place at just the right time for Mel, she's such a lucky flutist.

Corey and Mel worked on the videos on Saturday and then uploaded them to Mel's youtube channel. If you click this link HERE I think it will play all of the songs she did automatically, or the individual links are below, including links from the two videos above.

Cantabile et Presto by Georges Enesco

Mozart Exposition of 1st movement of the Concerto in G

Mozart Exposition of 2nd movement of the Concerto in G

Beethoven Leonore Overture No 3 measures 328 360

Brahms Symphony No 4, last movement measures 93 105

Mendelssohn Scherzo from Midsummer Nights Dream 2 measures before P to the end

Mozart Complete 1st movement of the Concerto in G

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