Thursday, December 6, 2018

Bigger Boy

Last night Natalie and Owen were playing so sweetly together. They played downstairs in the basement without me having to be down there with them. Usually Natalie is too scared to be down there without me, but tonight she was feeling brave or grown up I guess, cause she had enough confidence to lead Owen down and to convince him to stay with her. Later they brought up the Little Tikes chairs and made a train in the kitchen. Just simple cute games, and it continued until bedtime, when she led Owen to brush his teeth and invited/convinced him to sleep on her bed in her room. And he did! I was glad to get a picture of them after they'd fallen asleep.
He's growing up - one small step toward him not needing to sleep in our room! A good step, and maybe in time that after the baby is ready for the crib, we'll be able to bump Daniel out of it into Owen's bed, cause Owen will be with bigger kids. He's getting to be a big boy. He's not parting with the binky yet, and I'm not pushing that. He's not potty trained yet either, and I'm not ready to do that and I don't think he's showing much interest in trying. So he's not a big boy yet, but he did get a little bigger tonight. Sleeping with siblings was one step in the right direction, so that's good.

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