Thursday, December 20, 2018

Neighbor Gifts

We made some treats to give as neighbor gifts last year, and Abi wanted to do them again this year. Actually, Corey and the kids were planning on doing the 12 days of Christmas to a few families in the neighborhood. And I, being the Humbug and pregnant person that I am, was not excited when I heard them talking about it, as it made me exhausted at the mere thought of the effort I felt would be required to pull that off. As I assumed also that some of that effort would fall upon me. Listen everyone, I'm 34 weeks pregnant... I'm in survival mode here, can we just have really really low expectations for ourselves and not do anything that involves doing something? (Yeah, I have a problem. I'm glad they're being patient with me..) Anyway, I tried to help them figure out the Twelve Days plan, and then said they could do the 12 days for 3 families or whatever OR we could do plates of goodies for lots of our neighbors. They voted for the plates of goodies. Yay. So I did some shopping for treats over the weekend and picked up a few more things yesterday, and I kept putting Abi off and told her that we could get it all ready after she was done with school, which was yesterday, so today was the day. We made a list of people. We got the bags and plates out, the cellophane, the ribbon, and made some gift tags, and we divvied up all the treats into gifts for large families or for couples/households where there were just a one person or a single couple living. So the bags were for their church teachers or friends, and plates were for big families and we tried to load them up.
I drove the kids around this evening to deliver the presents. They knocked and ran at a few houses, and others they stayed and waited for someone to answer so they could wish Merry Christmas. 
At a few houses, they came back to the car with a treat of their own.
Cookie Dough, yay More sugar! And part of me wonders again why we do this unhealthy stuff to ourselves? So after delivering most of the treats, we went home and picked up Owen and Daniel before we delivered the last two. We thought it would be cute for them to come with us to deliver to their nursery teachers and to see their nursery teachers in a different context other than at church. First we went to the Robinsons
Then to the Eakins.
The Eakins invited us in for a moment... Owen and Daniel seemed pretty excited. Daniel kept calling Sister Eakins "Grandma" - with a "hey Gama, Gama... look at dis!"
We talked for a few minutes, then they gifted us some creamies, and so we hurried home and the kids got their reward for being such good elf helpers. They are really great teachers for these little boys in nursery. This pic is from last week on 9 Dec.
Owen looks for them at church, and then as soon as Sacrament meeting ends, he hustles over to them and will wait for them to come hold his hand and walk down to nursery together. It makes us smile especially to see him with Brother Eakins - to see little Owen reaching up to hold the hand of this  6'11'' retired basketball player... Corey snapped this picture of them walking out of sacrament meeting together - this pic taken on 12 August 2018

Corey took another pictures once of them walking down the hall together hand in hand. I'll update with that pic if I can find it. It's cute, I'm glad little Owen likes his teachers.

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