Monday, December 31, 2018

New Years Tradition

Well! It's almost midnight and I'm home from our annual New Year's Eve Party with friends up at Brighton. We enjoyed pizza and yummy party food for dinner, and the kids played games - Wesley bought up Go For It. 
The dad's enjoyed a few intense games of foosball...
Around 9pm it got quiet as most of the children were watching a movie together -
They do the ball drop up there at 10pm, so we celebrated with New York, which works out great for us families with little ones. It was particularly helpful this year, cause if it had been later, I would have missed it, cause Daniel got sick right before we rang in the new year... He had been kinda clingy all evening. With about 5 minutes to go until the new year, he still wanted to be held and so I sat on the couch (cause I'm 37 weeks pregnant and I can only stand and hold him for so long).
"Cute little guy snuggling up to me. Aww, he's tired" I thought
I asked Mel to take a picture of my little boy who only gets to be the baby for 2 more weeks. And then, I heard it and felt it - he threw up down my left arm. I hold him up. Doh, we got the couch. Corey! I got a mess here we need to clean up... And then he threw up over my right side.... Okay!! Well, looks like I need to head home... and then he finished me off with the biggest barf of the three, unloading the rest of what his tummy was holding in all over my big pregnant belly (I was impressed with the liquid capacity of his stomach)
Well! Thanks for that, little buddy! Are you done? Let's be done? Yes, ok, I think he's done. Uh... I need help, where to start... Corey grabbed the roll of paper towels and I tried to get all the big chunks off.
I could feel it all soaking in and it smelled like throw up, aka horrible. Mel ran and got Daniel's jacket, we took of his wet shirt and put that dry jacket on him, but I didn't have a change of pants for him, so he was gonna have to deal with that. We threw his shirt in a plastic bag. I didn't have a change of clothes for me either, but then I remembered that thankfully I did wear a sweatshirt over my clothes when we came up, so I passed Daniel to Mel and went and washed off my arms as best as I could and changed my shirt. I had to deal with the wet undergarments and pants, yay. And everyone was tooting horns, happy new year!!
Corey went to get the car for me and I was on my way home with Owen and Daniel at 10:20, home at 10:55. I started laundry, got showered off, and these two toddlers were in bed just shortly after 11. Hopefully there will not be more messes during the night this time? I pondered New Year's celebrations from years past. Owen threw up all over me in 2017 and then we had a big mess the next day too. Hm, maybe we've left a bug at the cabin that's gonna infect us every year? Or perhaps it's an altitude thing? But then I remembered I also got thrown up on by Daniel last year, though not at the cabin on New Year's Eve, that one was on January 5th - so maybe it's a toddler thing during the cold months. Anyway, mental note to self (if my brain is able to recall this memory sticky note come the end of 2019): Tiffanie! Be on guard! Bring an extra change of clothing for myself and the toddlers wherever you go, and maybe a few towels, just in case!

So ends a great year of our life with kids! Good news is that Corey will be able to get a good nights rest up at the cabin, which doesn't usually happen. And that's good cause he is going to be on his own taking the kids skiing tomorrow. Not that I would have been a ton of help for him. I'm kinda useless right now. So yeah, they'll have fun tomorrow, and I'll have a day here at home tomorrow that I will hopefully not waste just lying around wishing this baby was out of me (but that will probably be how the day looks, if the past week is any indication of the current trend I'm on)... Party's almost over, it's been a fun winter break, but back to reality on Wednesday. The busy school week makes the time go faster, and I'm anxious for Jan 14th to get here asap, so bring it on, let's get these next 14 days over with!

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