Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Highlights of 2018

2018 was another great and busy year, and also a pretty pivotal one for us with Joseph leaving for his mission. Our family pictures were taken just a week before he left.
Things will never be the same as we are sure that from here on out there will always be someone off at college or serving a mission (or married!) And life goes on. Here is a recap of some of the fun our family had in 2018 -

January - Joseph turns 18, Spur of the moment trip to Park City, Hyrum the vegan
February - We've been married 19 years, Ethan in the Utah All State Jazz Band, Abi is flexible
March - Joseph gets his mission call to Guatemala, Ethan is 16, Joseph gets his wisdom teeth out, so does Melodie, Wes gets a new trumpet
April - Cousins from Indiana in town, Visit from NicoleNatalie builds a snowman, Senior Prom
May - Wes wins SBO Governor, Joseph graduates high school and temple endowment, Family trip to California and Disney
June - Family Pictures! Lily is 9 (and Natalie had a tick in her hair!), Wes is 13, Joseph leaves for his mission, I got braces
July - Melodie goes to ParisNatalie is 5, Owen is 3, Cowabunga Bay
August - Hyrum turns 15, School Year 2018-19 begins, Natalie starts Kindergarten, a new van, we're having another BOY!
September - Abi is 11, Sophi is 7, Daniel is 2, Lagoon
October - Park City for UEA weekendHalloween
November - Momentumgoodbye guinea pigs, Thanksgiving, Sophi begins violin lessonsLily starts the saxophone
December - Melodie turns 18, we talked to Joseph on Christmas

...and hopefully baby boy will be here in 14 days! We wish you the best in 2019!

1 comment:

  1. Your family is quite lucky to have all these great moments at once. You are quite lucky to have such an amazing family. May God Bless you all.
