Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Toddler Yell-Off

Sometimes Owen and Daniel are best buds and are being so sweet to each other, like last week when they were climbing up the snow in the yard. And then, there are the other times like this...
I guess that means we're normal. That above is a picture of just one of today's shouting matches. That actually makes me laugh to see it. Maybe it's just cause they are not currently yelling. (Ah, nap time!) It is sooo stupid though. Like, they don't even know what they are yelling about, but if one starts yelling, the other reacts and they take turns shouting. Once Owen wanted some corn for a snack. I got the bag of frozen corn from the freezer, and thought I'd just do some small talk "You want some corn?" "Yeah, corn." "Corn is yummy!" Then Daniel said "Corn!" Owen said "CORN!" and they spent a few minutes shouting "CORN!!!" at each other as if there was a disagreement? Today the yelling has mostly been due to Owen telling Daniel to stop yelling, to which Daniel will scream back at him "AHH!" and Owen replies with "Stop yelling!" "AHH!" repeat. And Daniel's yell is a pretty loud and piercing shreik, we're often surprised that he hasn't lost his voice. Ways to fix the stupid fights are just to take one of them out of the room so they aren't in the same space together, or food sometimes works as a distraction, toys, or television. So stupid/funny though. If they get in to a match when the older kids are here, they join me in looking at these two with wide eyes of wonder and confusion, shaking their heads as we tell them: "Owen... Daniel... STOP."

Even with the occasional silly/stupid shouting, it was a good day. One other thing from today was I watched this video by Dr. Michael Greger and got his Daily Dozen App that he mentions, it is just the kind of app I needed!

I'm ready to be done with this pregnancy, but alas, I'm not done yet. So I'm revving my engine and getting all this good healthy stuff pounded into my head to help me maintain my weight for the next 5 weeks and hopefully shed it quickly once baby is here.

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