Sunday, December 9, 2018

Family Screen Time

Sometimes, to get kids to come a little more quickly for scriptures, Corey will connect his phone to the Bose and start to play a video that he knows will catch their ears and thus their attention. Such was the case tonight. And soon we have a good gathering of most of the kids, sitting on Corey's lap and piled around him... everyone looking at the small phone screen. Family bonding.
Ethan was gone at mission prep. He goes to a class out by Skyline that a lot of his school friends attend. Joseph went to that one too, Joseph was doing double going to the prep class in our Stake as well as the one out by Skyline. I think right now Ethan is just going to the Skyline one. He still has over a year until he'll be getting his papers ready, so he doesn't really need to even attend yet, but I'm glad that he does. He seems to really enjoy it.

I wrote a letter to Joseph today. The house is pretty messy right now and I'm lacking desire. I think I might have used up too much of my energy last night at Kelsey's wedding, cause right now I'm really just wishing in vain that I could hibernate for the next 5 weeks. I don't feel like doing anything but laying down. 5 weeks until the baby comes - seems like it should feel close, but it's not, it's still forever away. I can do this. I'm trying to keep moving each day and have also started to distract myself by watching healthy eating/vegan videos to get myself all revved up and ready to shed these pounds fast and get my body back. I need to finish the HOPE video, but liked what I saw so far. That's it for today's report. Just 5 more Sundays, 5 more weeks.

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