Saturday, January 5, 2019

Busy Saturday

Today was a good and busy day. Corey was really on one, and I mean in a good way. I had a pretty normal last trimester Saturday morning - I woke up at 5:07 cause I hate sleeping right now as much as I hate being awake, so I went to the temple. I went to Draper, and it was so busy that even though I got there at 5:40, the 6:00 session was already full and the next one wasn't until 7, and I did initiatories yesterday and wanted to do a session before baby comes, so I left and drove out to Jordan River. That place was also packed and it looked like I could be waiting until the 7:00 session there too. Doh. But as I went in the chapel, I was fortunately directed to the end of the row by the door, so when they asked if anyone needed assistance (aka the elevator) I jumped up and played the pregnancy card so I could get in early. So I made the 6:20 session by butting in line. So yay, I was done in time to get home to take Wes to UYJSO. I got back home at 8:15, took him, went to Costco as I waited for his rehearsal to finish, and that was my morning.

Wesley is going on tour with his Little Big Band next week to the JEN Conference in Reno (Jazz Education Network). He had two four hour rehearsals this past week - one on Wednesday and another one last night. He said it was cause the saxophones didn't have their parts down, so the director just had the whole band come in again. He was there from 4-8 on Wednesday and 4-8 last night. When I woke him up at 8:15 to hurry and get ready for Orchestra, he was barely even conscious when he started to cry that he didn't want to go, he was tired, he never gets to sleep in on Saturdays anymore...  I told him I was sorry and that we'd buy sushi on the way home. "Good news is that you don't have to go next week! That's good news, right?" So he got up, and Corey was awake too and gave Wes a littel more motivation by saying that each time he does these hard things, doing things he doesn't want to do, and obediently goes to his rehearsals, Corey will put some $ toward his school Ballroom tour to California that Wes is trying to save for. That gave him the energy to get ready and go.

So after orchestra, we got home with lots of groceries and sushi and as we started to bring it in, the whole kitchen was super clean. The kids had helped a lot and he was ready take them out for a reward. Sophi has asked this past week to get her ears pierced. We haven't had any of our girls this young have it done (she's 7) but I don't really have anything against it, and neither does Corey, and Sophi was being very sweet about it, so she cleaned her room today and then Corey said he'd take her. The girls all went on the outing to the mall.
He also announced that it's time to potty train Owen (oh yay...) so he was taking Owen to go buy a potty and some new underwear. They were all gone running errands for a while. After they got home, Corey took Abi and Owen skiing for a bit.
They went up to Alta for just 2 hours.
I think they stayed the whole time on a little hill that Owen could practice on.
Corey's good cause he can ski backwards and goes down backwards with Owen in front of him higher on the hill coming toward him. I didn't ski as a kid, so I can't do stuff like that.
Look at those happy faces. Good times, you kiddos have a really good father. Here area  few other pictures from Corey's phone that I haven't posted yet - these are the first time skiing on Dec 8th- the day of Kelsey's wedding (which is also why were were running late and barely made it in there in time!)
Owen has probably gone skiing with Corey the most.
Corey said it's fun cause Owen wants to do it by himself even though he's not that good. We like that confidence.
Corey teaching Owen to ski, and I try to teach them a little bit of yoga now and then. Not that I'm super into yoga, but I do some stretches everyday. Owen joined me a few weeks ago, and Corey snapped this picture (28 Dec). Owen tried really hard and did great, it warmed my heart. Cute kids.

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