Monday, January 7, 2019

One More Week

Well, I'm at 38 weeks today, we are almost there, just one more to go. I had my doctor appointment today and I'm now scheduled for an elective induction next Monday, hallelujah. So I called and preregistered at the hospital so I should be good to go unless they are really busy next Sunday night/Monday morning, as painfully happened to me just once (with Natalie and I had to wait two more days, such torture!). So that's the most exciting news of the day.

Daniel might be helping us get ready for the baby transition by taking a nap a few times in the chair, which was Owen's spot. Owen has moved to the floor when he sees Daniel in the chair. Yay, that frees up the crib for the new baby. But he'll be by our bed for a few months, so we still have time for the kids to transition to the new spot they're being bumped too. Daniel's not the baby anymore! (Might also be why he's being a little more clingy than usual, he might sense somethings coming...)
In other news, Corey decided over the weekend that it is time to potty train Owen. Isn't that just awesome timing? (I'm being sarcastic...) Corey is usually more anxious about this transition of toddlerhood progression than I am. I admit I don't understand the urgency he feels about it - I don't think it's the cost of diapers, or the wear of diapers on the environment... and what else is there? He might want to help Owen mature and feels the confidence gained by this independence will help him give up his pacifier, which I'm also not anxious about... I'm ok to let him keep it until he's done with it, he mostly just uses it at night and naps anyway which I'm fine with. But I'm not ready and I don't really think Owen is quite ready to be toilet trained. He has not showed any interest. Daniel seems to be more interested that Owen. I told Corey how I felt but said I will give him one week where I will play along, but once I've got a nursing baby attached, I am not going to worry about jumping up to help a toddler make it to the potty over nursing the newborn. I tried that once with Joseph after Ethan was born. I was a first time parent and thought I should train Joseph cause I didn't want to or shouldn't be spending so much of our budget on 3 kids in diapers. And all I remember is that it didn't work, cause I'd be sitting on the couch nursing, then Joseph would come for help, I'd start to set Ethan down, and then J would wet on the carpet. Lesson learned, it's not worth the stress or the mess. I've been a little unanxious about potty training our kids since. It appears that most humans figure it out, and so I verily believe that when my kids are ready, they will figure it out.

So Saturday Owen was in tears crying for a diaper to be put on him, and Corey left to get his car washed, so I saw my opportunity to cave in. (...I guess I might not even be playing along for a week like I said, sorry sweetie, I'm weak. I don't have much fight in me!) But yesterday, Owen did a great job. He showed much interest and was sitting like a champ, although without much action.
He had great sibling support from Natalie, who sat with him (she could cause Corey bought two potties on Saturday) and then she'd instruct Owen that it was time to stand up and trade spots - funny.
So, one more week, potty training, and I'm hoping my nesting instinct kicks in and I can clean the house this week, since I've been pretty worthless the past month. I have been blogging a lot the past few days though - I caught up on a few missed dates in August so I finally finished blogging August yesterday, and I also finished September, yay, and October and November were done, so now I just need to finish December. I wasn't homemaking or blogging much last month, I was just dragging my feet around each day. But there is a blog2print deal that expires tomorrow, so my #1 priority is to finish blogging December and thus finish 2018 and get those ordered by midnight tomorrow. That's a good task to get checked off before the baby is here. Just one more week, I think I'm gonna make it.

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