Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Hearing Screening

Ok - big win - I didn't sleep on the couch last night! Little Peter woke up a few times to nurse but he didn't cry and so I was able to stay in our room and in my bed and it kinda feels like I almost had a full night's sleep! I dare say I almost feel rested, yay! Thank you little boy!
Took these pics at 6:30 am and he was wide awake too - looks like we both got a good night's sleep. So that is a big win.
I took Peter back to the Hospital today - he had a hearing screening appointment on Monday, but we totally got dumped on by mother nature on Monday and had a ton of snow over night, so even though I cleared our driveway, the street wasn't plowed, so I didn't dare try to leave. I called to tell them I wouldn't make it in at 9. They rescheduled him for today. The streets were clear today. My sister came over to watch the kids, and Peter and I went in.
Little baby headphone. He passed his right ear, yay, so biliruben is good (that got checked last Thurs) and with his ear ok he's good until his 2 week appointment next Tuesday. It usually feels like the first month with a newborn is busy with doctor appointments. But it was a good day - got in 3 miles on the treadmill, I cleaned our bathroom, made our bed, and did laundry. I'm kinda starting over with homemaking life and am starting small again, counting up those little wins. Peter is nursing well and I kinda know his schedule a little bit, so maybe next week I might be ready to take it up a notch and plan to get things done.

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