Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Sleeping Pill

Peter is a little sleeping pill. Or he has the same effect as a sleeping pill. You can take a pill, or you can hold a newborn - the outcome is the same: you will doze off to dreamland. Here are a few of the pictures I've gotten of the kids asleep with our little bundle. Melodie on Friday, Jan 18
And on Saturday the 19th...
Lily on Sunday -
And Ethan yesterday, Jan 21st.
Hyrum and Wes haven't held Peter much yet, so no pics of them. I know Abi fell asleep with him once but I didn't get a picture of it. Sophi has had a bit of a cough, so I haven't let her hold Peter, and Natalie doesn't have a chance to doze off cause I don't let her hold him very long without supervision. But needless to say, this little boy gets lots of snuggling and love from all his siblings. (I don't think Corey's held him much yet...) Having a new baby in the home is a special time, we all love it.

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