Thursday, January 31, 2019

Sweet Little Head

Ethan has All State Jazz band in St. George this weekend. Corey took him down today, they left at 11. They took Abi, Lily, and Sophi with them. Natalie decided to stay home because she didn't want to miss a birthday party for her friend on Saturday. So the house is a lot quieter with just seven kids! It has slowed down a little bit and I'm able to soak up this time with Peter just a little bit more. I was holding him steady this evening, and he held his head up using my cheek as some support. I got this picture of him in the mirror -
Isn't he cute!? What a sweet little head. He is so pretty!
Something else fun today - I got a flower delivery from our orthodontist!
Have I ever mentioned that we love McDonough Orthodontics?
They are so nice.

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