Friday, February 1, 2019

Quiet House

Corey is in St. George with Ethan for the All State Jazz Band performance. They left yesterday around 12:30. They took Abi, Lily, and Sophi with them. So things seem quiet around here, which is a nice change. Mel just arrived in Colorado for an flute audition tomorrow morning with CU Boulder. I took her to the airport around 3:10, and then had to take Wes straight down to Little Big Band which was inconveniently moved to today at 4. So we were in the car or on the go for 4.5 hours. We left home around 2:45 and got back home at 7:15 pm. But knowing it was going to be a busy afternoon, I put Owen and Daniel down for their naps early and spent time making sure Peter was nice and full before we left.
(He's so cute)
Just a little angel! And such big beautiful eyes!
I took NODP (NatalieOwenDanielPeter) to Costco while we waited for Wes to finish at Little Big Band. Thankfully Peter slept almost the whole time, so I didn't have to stop and nurse him there. We finished up at Costco and then went to wait in the band parking lot for 45 min and I fed Peter more there. I grabbed Rice Krispy treats to keep the kids happy in the car and as we finished up our errand. But healthy Daniel didn't finish his treat, he wanted a tomato instead! Such a healthy kid.
I was curious for Wes to finish so I could see how he was doing. Before he got to band, after we dropped off Mel at the airport, I looked back and Wes was red in the face and in tears and asked if we could go home. "Are you sick?" No... "What happened?" Can we just go home? "Do you need to throw up?!?" I didn't know what was going on, but he was fine just 5 minutes ago... "Was it a text?" Yes. His friends had been hanging out together and they texted him to let him know that they played spin the bottle and the girl Wes likes kissed 3 guys and they were going to just do cheeks but the rules were changed and peer pressure was on and she kissed 3 of Wesley's friends on the lips. He felt totally betrayed. "They all know we like each other!" Well, I'm sorry you're upset buddy, but going home and just sitting there thinking about it is not going to be good for you, so I think I'm going to still take you to band even though everyone will be able to tell that you've been crying. (Is it okay that I'm documenting this, Wes?)
I called Corey to make sure he was in agreement that it was in his best interest to still go to band. We talked on the drive down about kissing and not just hanging out with friends if there's not a good activity planned, etc etc. So a bit of drama going on here with my boys. So, for the next 24 hours I'm here with Hyrum and Wes and 4 little kids. I'm slightly irritated that my two good girl helpers are BOTH gone - Abi and Mel. So I'm still having to keep Peter safe from his toddler sibling. Hyrum and Wes play really nicely with Owen and Daniel, but I'm not getting anything done even though I "only" have 6 kids at home. But that's okay. Everyone will be back tomorrow evening. We'll see if I'm able to accomplish anything in the next 24 hours.

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