Saturday, February 16, 2019

Another Senior

Another year, another senior, another yearbook ad. Joseph's was due February last year, and here we are again. I took a screenshot of it as I was working on it and figuring out which pictures to use...
I thought I took a screenshot of the final, but I can't find it. Thus all I can now see is the little image of it on the online Jostens receipt. So it looks like this:
But I can't remember what we said. But I bet it was deep and profound. So, you get the general idea for the looks though. Maybe at the end of the year I'll remember to get a picture of it out of the yearbook. What else... That was the main thing I worked on today. Wes has Utah Youth and I went to Costco, Mel didn't have GMS, so she was able to love on Peter a little today, which she enjoyed.
Peter, do you enjoy all this affection?
He looks a little irritated...
Irritated, but resigned to his fate. It's just what you have to deal with when you're an adorable baby boy. When he does get a moment of peace, it's fun when he puts his hands out, as if telling us all to shhhhh and stop, just be still...
It's my parents' anniversary,. My mom came by to buy some tickets for the Peaks Festival next week.
And we loved on Peter some more. I love it when they are so relaxed resting in my arms.
Update - 11 Apr 2019 - Here I am almost 2 months later and I found the screenshot I took, yeah! Here is the final product of her ad with the truly deep and profound final words from her parents.

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