Monday, February 18, 2019

Night Away

Corey and I went away for a quite night last night. Corey's parents watched the kids for us. We took them over around 3 yesterday, ate some dinner, and then we left. We went to the Grand America. We didn't have anything planned, cause we're old, so we just enjoyed the quiet room. We didn't go out to dinner, because it was the Sabbath. So we ate the dried fruit and nuts we brought along, plus some of the big chocolate chip cookies that they had out by the check in desk. Our room was 2632. It was a lovely room. I couldn't help but notice the stationary paper and envelope at the desk there, which reminded me of one of the jokes from Ryan Hamilton's Netflix show - Happy Face. I told Corey about it, then we watched it, and sitting still for an hour made Corey tired and so he went to bed at 8:30! He said he had planned to write Joseph and catch up on some church stuff, but he was going to lay down for a bit, and he ended up falling asleep. Good for him though, he needs the rest. He's been working hard the past five weeks as a single father of 10 children as I nurse Peter for what seems like 24/7.
Or if I'm not nursing him, it's because he's asleep. Unfortunately for me, when Peter finally is asleep, and I now have the one time I could actually go be productive and get something done, that is when I'm most tempted to just stare at his loveliness and try in vain to slow down time as I soak up the moment. 
(It's just heaven)
So that is what I did most of the time. Well, I did take Peter on a little walk around the hotel in the baby wrap before bedtime. I just did two laps. They have a beautiful display of flowers in the lobby!
Lilys - just like our wedding flowers. How appropriate.
So very pretty ~
After P was asleep, I came back to the room and just kept him snuggled on me while I slept on the couch. He woke up to nurse for the first time around midnight, and then I spent most of the night feeding him on the couch just like I do at home.

Breakfast the next morning - at the hotel continental breakfast bar.
Kinda pricey for oatmeal, muffins, bananas, and oj, but that's just cause we were all pretending to be living in luxury! I will say the oatmeal was very good. It was cold oatmeal but it was very good - with raisins and apples and probably had cream and sugar, it tasted like a dessert, but I want to find a vegan version of cold cinnamon oatmeal now, cause I liked it.
Our hotel "vacation" ended around 12:30 and went to Current Fish and Oyster Bar for lunch. They took us to our table, and notice the top of the menu - nice touch sweetheart!
The boys were drilling Corey yesterday before we left, asking him what he was going to do to make it a romantic event. (They just had a lesson in church the week before about strengthening your marriage though being romantic and how men and women view romance differently) Corey asked "Do you think Hyrum will be impressed that I called ahead to make the reservation and told them that it was our anniversary?" Cause both of those things show that Corey put time and effort into the lunch out, which makes the woman feel it's more romantic. I can't remember what he said, but for Women, romance is a sum of time, effort, and price or something like that (Corey, remind me what it was). As we walked back out to the car, Corey asked again if I think Hyrum will think it was "romantic" that Corey called ahead and said it was our anniversary. "Yes, sweetheart, it was very romantic of you to be so thoughtful". "And what about if I just clicked the "special occassion" button on the Open Table app... does that still count?" That made me laugh. No, Hyrum probably wont' approve of that, but your secret is safe with me.

The kids were disappointed that we returned so quickly. Sorry kids, we'll try to do something again tomorrow to get out of your hair. Boy, these kids put the pressure on. They were reprimanding us this past weekend cause we didn't go out on Friday night (not our fault, there was a snowstorm) AND reminding us about how last year we didn't do ANYTHING on our anniversary. Ok, I admit we didn't have a plan last year, but that was the weather's fault that time too. Sheesh, you guys, get off our case! We're trying! I am planning on doing a celebratory dinner tomorrow, unless I push it back til the weekend cause maybe I'll try to take Corey out tomorrow for something else fun. I have an idea in the works.

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