Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Day Off

The kids were up early to get ready for school this morning. I got a text from my mom that school was cancelled for the elementary school, but not for the high schooler's district. So I went out to shovel. On Wednesdays, Wesley goes early for SBO, so Ethan takes him when he leaves for jazz band. They usually leave at 6:20. Wes doesn't have to be there until 7, but it saves us a trip. so he goes early with Ethan. I was out shoveling the snow in the driveway so their car could get out, and it was deep. And the road hadn't been plowed yet. And it was still coming down. I had a feeling it would take me a lot time to shovel (our snowblower we bought last year is broken, so annoying) and that even if I did clear a path for them in the driveway, the car would not make it up the street. So I came back in with a prayer in my heart that school would be cancelled. Ethan told me that jazz band was cancelled. Yay, that gives us a little more time to hope they cancel the whole thing. We were coordinating carpool (I take on Wednesdays) and my nice neighbors with 4 wheel drive offered to take. But I was still hoping the whole thing would be cancelled, cause it did not look like good driving conditions. At 6:30 we got the lovely call "School will be cancelled today due to severe weather conditions..." Yay! A Snow day! The last time that Skyline had a day off for snow was in 1993 when I was in high school! I remember that day - I had a paper due in Mr. Westergard's class that I hadn't finished. It felt like an answer to prayer to have school cancelled. And so I played out in the snow all day building forts and didn't get my paper done anyway. Sound like a teenager? Yeah. So the kids were happy and all the teenagers excitedly went back to their rooms and attempted to go back to bed. But I heard them chit chatting and laughing - it took them a short while to calm down - they were too excited to fall back asleep! Owen had woken up. I tried to lay down on the couch with Peter and fall back asleep. Owen stayed next to me but he didn't fall asleep. I usually have my phone close by when I migrate and feed the baby during the night. In these early morning hours, Owen has started to take my phone and take funny selfies...
...and unflattering pictures of me. So I didn't get any pictures of the kids playing outside, but Abi and Wes worked on a fort, Wes and Hyrum cleared off the driveway - our piles of snow are over 5 feet high again! And our busy afterschool Wednesday turned into a lazy day around the house - Lyceum was cancelled, LBB was cancelled, Ethan's Crescent rehearsal was cancelled, and I figured I'd join the bandwagon and cancelled Abi's orthodontist appointment, cause no one wants to go drive in this mess. The little girls were lost in games today - Natalie was making "new characters" with legos - she was so lost in play it seems like we hardly saw her today. A few more funny pics - Daniel watching Leap Frog Letter Factory video - with spy glasses on (made us all chuckle)...
And Melodie played a prank on several of her siblings and her father - she got this Barbie head thing (that Sophi got for her birthday) and gave it a hoodie, pants, and shoes, and put it in people's closets. Here she is after she scared Ethan.
The barbie is holding out her hands to get her nails done, but most of the boys agreed she looked more like the Emperor from Star Wars ready to give an electric shock. Ethan got the biggest scare but agreed it was funny, and then they went to set it up in our closet to scare Corey. It was fun to have life cancelled today for most of us (except for Corey who never gets a break) It was nice to have a surprise day off.

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