Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Popcorn Popping

Lily came home sick from school yesterday. She seemed fine to me though, as she proceeded to play legos and sing songs with Owen. Seems like we've been sick for the past two weeks, but they're not that sick, so I hesitate knowing what to do. I don't want to not listen to them if they feel ill, but I've been telling them that if they come home they have to stay in their bed and rest. Anyway, yesterday when Lily was home "sick" she was leading Owen in song and took this video of him doing Popcorn Popping.

I got a kick out of Daniel in the background (chocolate pudding on his face)
(Lily is ALWAYS taking my phone and making videos or taking pictures of herself...)
I usually just delete all of them, cause if I kept them, there would be hundreds of pointless pictures (no offense Lil) or really long videos that take up too much storage space. But maybe you've got a future in videography or something.

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