Saturday, March 2, 2019

Day 2 at the Hospital

Hello there. I'm doing good, and little Peter is doing good.
Another little miracle - his numbers are still looking great, so around noon he was moved from intensive care up to "the Floor" - Room 4325. I was at home when they moved him. I had been nursing him around 11 when he wet his diaper, which hadn't been changed for a while, causing him to pee all over me. So they cleaned him up and changed his blankets and my wet shirt gave me a sufficient reason that I was willing to leave my baby. Bye Peter! I'll be back!
I went home and tried to wake up Ethan and Hyrum. Hyrum got up, Ethan said he needed to sleep - he had been up late the night before working on an SBO campaign poster. Around that time Corey called. There was weeping and wailing in the background. "Hello. I'm in hell" he said... "But it's contained." Pause. "Owen wants to talk to you..." which was followed by Owen screaming and me trying to talk to him but he didn't care. After a few seconds Corey took back the phone. "He wants his binky..." Corey said. "Uh oh, did you leave it at home?" I asked. "No, I have it..." "Ah, so this is a self imposed hell?" "Well, he also wants to hold hands all day..." and that just mad me laugh, as I remembered him in the bed snuggled up to Corey yesterday with his arm linked in Corey's arm. Yeah, that would be hard to have him so clingy. Corey continued "Can we get a nanny or full time day care - I can't do this, I can't be around kids..." He paused "... I can take them when they're 8 or 10... but I don't think I should see them before that." Poor guy, I'm sorry to leave you sweetheart, hang in there. In an effort to help Corey's sanity after they return from Midway, whenever that might be, I asked Hyrum to clean the house. "How much do you charge?" I asked. Hyrum is a good worker, like he could even organize the basement without me there to tell him how - he just gets it. Yes, Hyrum, I'm willing to pay handsomely for your services. He agreed. I helped pick up as he got going, then I exercised a bit, and took a quick bath, and then came back.

Mel came up to see Peter after GMS classes today. Peter was doing great all day and so at 5 they took off his HiFlow nose mask thing, and now he has super pink cheeks.
That pic doesn't quite capture it. He's such a cute little guy. I nurse him more, then I got ready to go meet E and Hyrum. Bye Peter, I'll be back
I invited Ethan and Hyrum to come up to dinner tonight and I'm glad they took me up on it, even though it was snowing and they were having a hard time finding it. We ate first and then I we would go to see Peter. Ethan was saying funny stuff at dinner that reminded me of Corey's humor. Dinner was provided today by Latinos En Accion, and Ethan said he's going to come provide dinner someday with his service group - "White Boys in Action!" and they will serve Top Ramen, lol. And Cheese quesedillas. Funny kid. We got our food and found 3 chairs we could sit in. Hyrum and I sat down first and Ethan was right behind us but in the middle chair - he lamented after we sat down before he was ready "Aw darn... We could have all sat down at the same time!" Tragic, we missed the opportunity.
It was rice and pinto beans night, with small meat tacos and also a big fresh fruit salad. It was a perfect meal for our non-animal product eater Hyrum to come eat. Ethan joked "I'm going to go up and say you ordered black beans..." I was laughing as I listened to their conversation - No, the Ronald McDonald house is not Costa Vida, and the Latinos in Accion only brought pintos, we shall not tease them by asking for black beans.
They also imagined up making small talk with them, pretending to ask "So, what part of Latino are you from?" Silly boys. After we ate, we went up to see little Peter. He is so cute. 
Peter looking at me... "Mom, I thought you'd gotten rid of these clowns!"
Ethan imagined what he could post to Instagram with his photo and came up with #prayersforpeter - ha, joking that it would make all his friends worried for Peter.
Hyrum was struggling breathing with the mask on - and it kept fogging up his glasses.
After holding Peter for a moment, he called out for help... "I can't... my arms hurt! And I can't stand to smell my breath anymore!!!" They are fun kids. After coming to see us, I took Hyrum back home, cause Ethan was going to the temple. Corey is still up in Midway and I think his stress levels are at an all time high. Peter is still doing great, there is a small chance we could go back home tomorrow, keep up the good work, little guy.

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