Sunday, March 3, 2019

Day 3 at Primary's then Back Home

Hi. It's 2 am and we are in a shared room and just got a roommate - a little girl and her mom. From what I can tell the little girl is 8 months old and had a fever and then was having a seizure this morning. So there's been a hustle and bustle in here for the past half hour as they get settled. I was already awake nursing Peter, so that's good. And now I figured I'd just stay awake a while. Peter is asleep, but the room isn't quiet yet with nurses coming and going. We are at the front of the room and we don't have a curtain, which is fine, but I figured I'd just stay awake until it looks like the nurses and technicians are all gone and finished getting our roommates settled and that our roommates are going to sleep. So, yay, fun. Will update more later.

- Later -
So good news - we are back home. I tried to catch up on the blog during the wee hours of the morning until our room was quiet and I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. So I fell asleep around 4:30, woke up at 7 to feed Peter and had such a hard time staying awake. Which was good, cause I was pretty much out of it and slept through other interruptions and check ins until I woke up around 10. My nice nurse Jared said that Peter had the okay to go home and to let him know when I was ready and he'd bring me the paper work. So we were on our way shortly after 10:30. Peter was so cute when I was getting him dressed, he was totally smiling at me! He can see me! Such an exciting time!

I got home and the garage was left open... it sounded like no one was home, but I didn't check, I just shoveled the driveway so I could park properly. Luckily the kids had shoveled it a bit before they left for church but it was just a narrow path and left me at an angle in the garage that wouldn't allow for both cars when they got back. "They" meaning Mel, Ethan, and Hyrum. They had stayed home while Corey took the rest of the kids up to Midway for the weekend. I found out later that it was just Mel who made it to church. All 3 of the teenagers slept in, but Mel woke up at 9 and tried to wake up her siblings to go with her to the 10:30 ward, but she just went by herself. Ethan didn't want to get up and Hyrum is sick, so they stayed home. Corey and the kids came home shortly after lunch. They kinda had a fun time. They went swimming and then after infecting the pool (hooray for chlorine) they quarantined themselves in the room. I'll get pictures off of Corey's phone later so we can see the fun they had.

As for things here at home, the hospital staff sent us off with two bottles of hand sanitizer and lots of face masks. New rule - you can't hold Peter unless you're clean, sanitized, and wearing a mask. Even I've been wearing one, it's not as bad as Ethan and Hyrum made it seem yesterday.
Mel holding Peter before bed - We love you Peter, glad you're back home.

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